-ek database option

Specifies the key for a strongly encrypted database. The -ek database option must be specified after the database-file, and applies only to that database.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } [ server-options ] database-file -ek key ...
Applies to

All operating systems and servers.


You must provide the key value with the -ek option to start an encrypted database. The key is a string, including mixed cases, numbers, letters, and special characters.

If you want to enter the encryption key in a window so it cannot be seen in clear text, use the -ep server option. See -ep server option.

If you want to secure communication packets between client applications and the database server use the -ec server option and transport-layer security. See Transport-layer security.

See also

The following example starts a database and specifies the encryption key on the command line.

dbsrv11 -x tcpip mydata.db -ek "Akmm9u70y"