Viewing graphical plans in Interactive SQL

You can view the query optimizer's execution plan for a SQL statement in the Plan Viewer window in Interactive SQL.

For SQL Anywhere databases, only graphical plans appear in the Plan Viewer. For UltraLite databases only text plans are supported in the Plan Viewer. See View an UltraLite execution plan.

To create a graphical plan
  1. Type your query in the SQL Statements pane.

  2. Choose Tools » Plan Viewer or press Shift+F5.

    The Plan Viewer appears in a separate window. Your specified query appear in the SQL pane.

  3. Click Get Plan to generate a plan for the specified query.

To open a graphical plan
  1. Choose Tools » Plan Viewer.

  2. Click Open.

  3. Select a plan file (.saplan), and then click Open.

See also