-cp server option

Specifies set of directories or jar files in which to search for classes.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -cp location[ ;location ... ] ... 
Applies to

All operating systems and database servers.


It is recommended that all classes and JAR files that are being used with Java in the database be installed in the database. When you store the classes and JAR files within the database, the database can be easily moved to a different computer or operating system. Another benefit of installing classes and JAR files into the database is that the SQL Anywhere class loader can fetch the classes and resources from the database, allowing each connection that is using Java in the database to have its own instance of these classes and its own copy of static variables within these classes.

However, in cases where the class or JAR file must be loaded by the system class loader, they can be specified with the -cp server option. This option adds directories and JAR files to the classpath that the database server builds for launching the Java VM.

See also