Connecting with SQL Anywhere APIs

To connect to a database, the client application must call one of the following SQL Anywhere API functions:

The SQL Anywhere API uses connection information included in the call from the client application to locate and connect to the database server. Information sent by the client application can include information held in a data source, the SQLCONNECT environment variable, or the server address cache. The following figure is a simplified representation of the process.

A client connection to a database, showing the client application, the interface library, and the database server running the database.
Additional information
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An overview of connecting from Sybase Central or Interactive SQL (including a description of the drivers involved) Connecting from Sybase Central, Interactive SQL, or the SQL Anywhere Console utility
Some examples to get started quickly, including Sybase Central and Interactive SQL scenarios Sample SQL Anywhere database connections
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To learn what connection parameters are available Connection parameters
To see an in-depth description of how connections are established Troubleshooting connections
To learn about network-specific connection issues Client/server communications
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