HotSync synchronization overview

  1. Ensure that you have specified the required synchronization parameters in the application with the ul_synch_info structure. These synchronization parameters are then set for HotSync synchronization by calling the SetSynchInfo function. The synchronization parameters also include the network protocol options you need to communicate with the MobiLink server. See Setting protocol options for MobiLink synchronization.
  2. When your UltraLite application is closed, the state of your UltraLite application is stored in a temporary file, separately from the database. See Maintaining state in UltraLite Palm applications.
  3. When you synchronize your Palm device, HotSync calls the UltraLite HotSync conduit on the desktop for a specific creator ID.
  4. The UltraLite HotSync conduit connects to all registered databases using the appropriate connection string and then synchronizes them. Databases that do not call SetSynchInfo properly will fail to synchronize.
  5. When your application is launched, it loads the previously saved state of your UltraLite application. See Restoring state in UltraLite Palm applications.
See also