Allow Download Duplicate Rows parameter

This parameter may be specified to prevent errors from being raised when a synchronization encounters downloaded rows with duplicate primary key. This parameter is specified in the additional_parms field in the synchronization parameters. The syntax varies depending on the API you use.


During synchronization, if a row is downloaded that contains a primary key that already exists, an error is raised and the download is rolled back. When the synchronization parameter AllowDownloadDupRows is set to true, a warning is raised but the download continues. Normally a duplicate download row situation indicates a bug in the download scripts on the consolidated database. When multiple rows are downloaded it is undefined which row is applied to the remote database. This is not desirable behavior in most situations. The AllowDownloadDupRows specification can be used in unusual situations where the application is tolerant of downloading potentially inconsistent data. It may be preferable to have inconsistent or unpredictable data than to have the synchronization fail.

Allowed values

A boolean value may be specified. A one or true value must be specified to invoke this behavior.

See also

ulsync supports this parameter as an extended synchronization parameter:

ulsync -c DBF=myuldb.udb "AllowDownloadDupRows=1;Stream=http"

UltraLite for C/C++ applications can set the parameters as follows:

ul_synch_info info;
// ...
info.additional_parms = UL_TEXT( "AllowDownloadDupRows=1" );