MobiLink server error messages sorted by message text

%1 is an unknown subclass of ScriptExecutionException
.NET CLR Host encountered unexpected error
.NET Domain Configuration File is corrupt
A corrupt or invalid subscription list was received from the client
A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) contains character data that cannot be converted
A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) was an invalid unique identifier string
A downloaded value for table '%1' (column #%2) was either too big or invalid for the remote schema type
A local server connect string has been specified but shared server state is not enabled. Enable shared server state using the 'ml_server_farm' MobiLink property
A network read failed. Unable to read data from the remote client
An error occurred when trying to store progress information in the consolidated database
An error occurred while uploading a deleted row into table '%1'. The deleted column values are as follows:
An error occurred while uploading an insert row into table '%1'. The inserted column values are as follows:
An error occurred while uploading an updated row into table '%1'. The updated column values are as follows:
Assembly '%1' does not contain '%2'
Assembly '%1' was compiled against version %2 of '%3'. Please recompile against version %4
Attempt to execute a SQL statement with bound parameters before MLDBCommand.Prepare() was called
Attempt to execute null SQL statement. Set value of MLDBCommand.CommandText before calling a MLDBCommand.Execute method
Attempt to execute SQL statement '%1' after MLDBCommand.Close() was called
Attempt to prepare null SQL statement. Set value of MLDBCommand.CommandText before calling MLDBCommand.Prepare()
Attempt to prepare SQL statement '%1' after MLDBCommand.Close() was called
Attempt to set non-null column to null
Attempt to use a connection with an invalid handle
Bad stream specification: %1
Bad stream type: %1
Binding of parameter %1 requires value to be of type '%2', but a '%3' was supplied
Cannot convert '%1' to Unicode
Cannot load DLL or shared object: '%1' for Script Language: '%2'
Caught JAVA exception with type: %1. Exception message: %2
Client is unable to process truncate table request for table '%1'
Column names must be set in the ml_column table in order to use named row parameters
Column-level conflict detection is not available for table '%1', because it contains BLOBs
Connection was dropped due to lack of network activity
Consolidated database server or ODBC error: %1
Could not add script version: '%1'
Could not associate socket with completion port (system error %1)
Could not call method: '%1' with arguments of type '%2'
Could not create domain '%1'
Could not find file transfer root directory: '%1'
Could not find requested file '%1' for user '%2'
Could not open file for transfer: '%1'
Could not read file for transfer: '%1'
Could not transfer requested file. The transfer root was not set
Cursor-based upload is no longer supported. The scripts for table '%1' must be changed to use statement-based upload
Domain '%1' was not specified in Domain configuration file
Download failed with client error %1
Error fetching connection script %1
Error fetching table script %1.%2
Error in reading from notification pipe (system error %1)
Error on notification pipe
Error while attaching database worker thread to Java VM
Exception thrown in constructor of class: '%1'. Error description: '%2'. Stack trace: '%3'
Exception thrown in initializer of class: '%1'. Error description: '%2'. Stack trace: '%3'
Exception thrown in method: '%1'. Error description: '%2'. Stack trace: '%3'
Expected <void> or an object, but a primitive of type '%1' was returned instead
Expected an instance of or subclass, but found class '%1' instead
Expected an instance of java.lang.String or subclass, but found class '%1' instead
Expecting %1 authentication parameter(s) from client, but received %2 for script %3
Expecting %1 columns in cursor, but found %2
Expecting %1 parameters in script, but only found %2: %3
Expecting at least %1 parameters in script, but only found %2: %3
Failed to load .NET start class '%1'
Failed to load necessary Java class: %1
Failed to load necessary method: '%1' for Java class: %2
Failure executing script '%1'
Failure occurred while executing user supplied code in the server
In table '%1', the column named '%2' in the ml_column table has an index greater than the number of remote columns
INTERNAL ERROR: occurred while retrieving a BLOB -- read
Internal error: wrong function '%1' called. Please contact technical support
Internal error: '%1'
Invalid context for stream parameter %1 for stream %2: %3
Invalid format used for script '%1'
Invalid line found in the JVM config file: %1 All lines must begin with either '#' or '-'
Invalid line found in the JVM config file: %1. Line is too long
Invalid named parameter (too short or long) for script '%1'
Invalid parameter '%1'
Invalid password for user %1
Invalid return value (%2) from the %1 script. Using the default action code (%3)
Invalid stream parameter %1 for stream %2: %3
Invalid system parameter '%1' for script '%2'
Invalid value %1 stream parameter %2 for stream %3: %4
Java exception
LANG: %1 - Failed to allocate database connection
LANG: %1 - Failed to attach database worker thread
Linkage error while loading class: '%1' Error description: '%2'
Memory allocation failed
Memory allocation failed, attempted to allocate %1 bytes
Network address '%1' is not local
No Assembly in domain '%1' contains type '%2'
No download confirmation from remote database
No error or unknown error
No public methods found in script class: '%1'
No suitable constructor found in class: '%1'
No valid constructor was found for class '%1'
Not enough arguments to execute script: '%1.%2'. %3 arguments are needed but only %4 are provided
One or more invalid parameters prevented startup
Only one domain can be used per script version. Domain '%1' was in use when script '%2' attempted to use domain '%3'
Only one of upload_fetch and upload_fetch_columns scripts may be defined for table '%1'
Option '%1' is invalid or was not specified correctly on MobiLink command line
Option '%1' was previously defined on the MobiLink command line with value '%2'
Parameter %1 has been set to NULL
Protocol error: there is no publication that contains table '%1'
Protocol error: %1
Protocol version mismatch
Required ODBC function %1 is not supported by the driver
Returned class '%1' not a subclass of or java.lang.String
Script '%1' encountered an error
Script '%1' is a member of '%2', but only %3 classes are permitted per script version
Script '%1' reported a fatal error
Script '%1' reported a server error
Script '%1' reported a synchronization error
Script '%1' requires %2 parameters, but %3 parameters were supplied
Script '%1' returned an object of type '%2', which is not a subtype of 'System.Void' or 'System.String'
Script '%1' returns a '%2' object, but only return types of 'System.Void' and 'System.String' are supported
Scripts cannot be defined as NULL
Shared install directory is incorrect: %1
SQL Passthrough protocol error: '%1'. Please contact technical support
Stream Error: %1
System exception thrown in constructor of class: '%1'. Error description: '%2'
System parameter %1 has been set to NULL
Table '%1' does not have a column named '%2'
The %1 script returned %2
The .NET scripting VM requires version %1 of the MobiLink ODBC Bridge DLL, but was supplied version %2 instead
The .NET scripting VM requires version %1 of the MobiLink Script DLL, but was supplied version %2 instead
The character set (%1) used by the remote client cannot be mapped by the MobiLink server
The character set (%1) used by the remote client cannot be mapped by the MobiLink server
The classpath '%1' is too long
The client cannot find the consolidated progress offset from the client transaction log(s)
The following non-daemon threads were destroyed: %1
The handle_UploadData event script must be void or return null
The MobiLink server (farm version '%1') cannot run, because another MobiLink server with a different version is currently running in the MobiLink server farm
The MobiLink server and client implementation IDs mismatch
The MobiLink server DLL or shared object version does not match the data layer DLL or shared object version
The MobiLink server has encountered an error and the synchronization has been aborted
The MobiLink server was unable to calculate the timestamp precision on the consolidated database using the ml_scripts_modified table. Timestamp precision related warnings will not be generated
The MobiLink server was unable to modify the error message using the modify_error_message script
The MobiLink system table '%1' is missing or a table column is missing
The name '%1' is not a valid name for a .NET start class
The number of columns in client table '%1' does not agree with the number defined in ml_column
The option '%1' needs a path
The options '%1' and '%2' must not be used together
The prepared SQL statement '%1' requires %2 parameters, but %3 parameters were supplied
The prepared SQL statement '%1' requires %2 parameters, but parameter %3 was not supplied
The remote database identified by remote ID '%1' is already synchronizing. Concurrent synchronizations using the same remote ID are not allowed
The remote database may have been restored from backup, or perhaps remote ID '%1' is being used by different remote databases. Set ml_subscription.progress to zero to re-enable synchronizations for this remote database
The row is too big. The size (%1 bytes) exceeds the maximum allowable size (%2 bytes)
The script '%1' can not process pre-image row data
The script '%1' can not process row data
The script '%1' contains an invalid character in a named parameter
The script '%1' contains an invalid parameter reference: '%2'
The script '%1' contains an invalid user parameter: '%2'
The script '%1' contains invalid syntax for using named parameters
The script '%1' references authentication parameter %2 but there are only %3
The script '%1' references table '%2' column %3, but there are only %4 columns
The script '%1' references the in out parameter '%2' more than one time
The script '%1' references unknown authentication parameter '%2'
The synchronization sequence number stored in ml_subscription.progress is negative. Set this value to zero (0) to re-enable synchronizations for remote ID '%1'
The upload table '%1' (column #%2) has the data type '%3', but your ODBC driver doesn't support '%4'
There are no entries in the JVM config file: %1
There are too many entries in the JVM config file: %1
There has been an internal error in the server shared state. '%1'
There is an invalid SQL Passthrough repair action '%1' for this user. SQL Passthrough for this user has been halted
There is no download data script defined for table '%1'. If you want to be able to synchronize anyway, with the risk of potentially losing download data, use the -fr command line option
There is no upload data script defined for table '%1'. If you want to be able to synchronize anyway, with the risk of potentially losing upload data, use the -fr command line option
This connection will be abandoned due to previous errors
This server does not have shared server state enabled but other servers connected to this consolidated database have shared server state enabled
This server is not licensed to connect to a consolidated database of the following type: %1
This Synchronization is using a blocking download ack but has nonblocking download ack events defined
This synchronization was canceled due to a new synchronization <%1> with the same remote id
This synchronization was paused due to an existing synchronization <%1> with the same remote id
Too many options sent to Java VM
Transactions on this connection cannot be committed or rolled back
Unable to abort the distributed transaction (event: %1) -- system error: '%2'
Unable to accept an incoming connection (system error %1)
Unable to accept new connections on network listener port
Unable to access the JRE at: %1
Unable to allocate a connection
Unable to allocate memory for the DownloadData instance
Unable to allocate memory for the UploadData instance
Unable to allocate memory needed for script execution
Unable to attach JDBC connection
Unable to attach worker to VM
Unable to authenticate the user
Unable to authenticate user %1
Unable to bind listener socket to port (system error %1)
Unable to close socket (system error %1)
Unable to commit the distributed transaction (event: %1) -- system error: '%2'
Unable to COMMIT transaction: %1 -- Attempting to ROLLBACK
Unable to connect to the consolidated database. Aborting the synchronization
Unable to convert the string %1 to a numeric value
Unable to create a shared memory file
Unable to create an I/O completion port (system error %1)
Unable to create connection socket (system error %1)
Unable to create listener socket (system error %1)
Unable to create new database connection
Unable to create the background thread
Unable to create unix pipe for socket selector notification (system error %1)
Unable to delete from table '%1' using %2
Unable to delete user name '%1' from the ml_user_table
Unable to detach worker from VM
Unable to dump exception information. Received exception while processing exception
Unable to enlist the database in the Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Unable to fetch from table '%1' using %2
Unable to find file '%1'
Unable to find shared components directory. JRE location is not specified in options. JRE location is unknown
Unable to find the JAR file: '%1' in install directory or classpath
Unable to flush scripts
Unable to get the DTC transaction manager -- system error: '%1'
Unable to initialize a distributed transaction -- system error: '%1'
Unable to initialize communications stream %1: %2
Unable to initialize ODBC
Unable to initialize server shared state
Unable to insert into table '%1' using %2
Unable to insert user name '%1' into the ml_user table
Unable to listen on port (system error %1)
Unable to load .NET CLR Host DLL
Unable to load .NET Framework CLR Version %1
Unable to load Assembly '%1' into domain '%2'
Unable to load DLL or shared object %1 for stream %2: %3
Unable to load DLL or shared object: %1
Unable to load entry points from DLL: '%1'
Unable to load the Java VM due to a memory error
Unable to load the Java VM due to a version error
Unable to load the Java VM due to an unknown error
Unable to load the Java VM shared library. Make sure that the shared library path is set correctly and that LD_PRELOAD is set correctly and supported by your version of the dynamic loader
Unable to load UNILIB collation %1: %2
Unable to locate .NET Domain Configuration File '%1'
Unable to maintain shared server state liveness
Unable to notify (system error %1)
Unable to open %1
Unable to open temporary file '%1'
Unable to parse class and method name from script: %1
Unable to perform a hard close on a listener socket
Unable to perform a hard close on a socket '%1'
Unable to poll sockets (system error %1)
Unable to post listener deletion request to completion queue (system error %1)
Unable to post socket deletion request to completion queue (system error %1)
Unable to register the MobiLink server with name '%1'
Unable to resolve host name '%1' (error: '%2')
Unable to resolve script. Two methods with name: '%1' found in class: '%2'
Unable to retry the current transaction after conflict-update with snapshot isolation in the consolidated database. The retry limit has been reached
Unable to retry the current transaction after deadlock in the consolidated database. The retry limit has been reached
Unable to reuse address (system error %1)
Unable to ROLLBACK transaction: %1
Unable to send SQL Passthrough script due to an unknown script flag: '%1'
Unable to set transaction isolation level to snapshot
Unable to shutdown .NET scripting VM
Unable to shutdown .NET scripting VM. %1 workers still attached
Unable to start accepting connections (system error %1)
Unable to start the restartable synchronization
Unable to start with shared server state because no server name has been set. Use the -zs option to set a server name
Unable to support MLSD
Unable to update SQL Passthrough script ID during SQL Passthrough repair
Unable to update table '%1' using %2
Unable to wait on completion port (system error %1)
Unknown system parameter '%1' for script '%2'
Unrecognized domain id %1
Unrecognized event name: %1
Upload data for column %1 of table '%2' is invalid
Upload failed with client error %1
User name '%1' not found in the ml_user table
Version '%1' not found in the ml_script_version table. Cannot synchronize
Version mismatch with DLL or shared object: '%1' Expected version: %2 got version: %3
When using QAnywhere the only supported mode is nonblocking download ack