palm_lsn_ret enumeration

The palm_lsn_ret enumeration specifies the possible message processing return codes.

typedef enum {
    PalmLsnOk = errNone,
    PalmLsnMissingConfig = appErrorClass,
} palm_lsn_ret;
Value Description
PalmLsnOk The function call is successful. This value contains the same value as errNone, a Palm error code indicating no error.
PalmLsnMissingConfig Indicates a missing Palm Listener configuration database. This field contains the same value as the Palm error code appErrorClass, indicating an application-defined error.
PalmLsnProblemReadingConfig Indicates an error reading the Palm Listener configuration database.
PalmLsnProblemParsingCmd Indicates an inability to process the command stored in the Palm Listener configuration database.
PalmLsnOutOfMemory The function does not run to completion due to an error while allocating memory for message processing.
PalmLsnUnrecognizedAction The Listener does not support an action specified in the Palm Listener configuration database.
PalmLsnRunMissingApp The Listener cannot launch the application specified in the run action.
See also