GetDownloadData method

DownloadData GetDownloadData();

Returns a DownloadData instance for the current synchronization. Use the DownloadData instance to create the download for direct row handling.


A DownloadData instance for the current synchronization.


The following example assumes you have a DBConnectionContext instance called _cc.

 // The method used for the handle_DownloadData event.
public void HandleDownload() { 
  // Get the DownloadData for the current synchronization.
  DownloadData my_dd = _cc.GetDownloadData();
  // Get an array of tables to set download operations.
  DownloadTableData[] download_tables = my_dd.GetDownloadTables();

  // Get the first table in the DownloadTableData array.
  DownloadTableData my_download_table = download_tables[0];
   // ...