Initiating synchronization from an application

You may want to include the features of dbmlsync in your application, rather than provide a separate executable to your remote users.

There are two ways to do this:

  • Use the Dbmlsync Integration Component.

    For more information, see Dbmlsync integration component (deprecated).

  • If you are developing in any language that can call a DLL, then you can access dbmlsync through the DBTools interface. If you are programming in C or C++, you can include the dbtools.h header file, located in the SDK\Include subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere 11 directory. This file contains a description of the a_sync_db structure and the DBSynchronizeLog function, which you use to add this functionality to your application. This solution works on all supported platforms, including Windows and Unix.

    For more information, see: