Application profiling

Application profiling allows you to analyze tracing information to understand how applications interact with the database. With the data generated during a tracing session, you can also identify and eliminate performance problems. You can choose between two approaches for generating, and making use of, profiling information: an automated approach, using the Application Profiling Wizard, or an advanced approach using the various tools and features found in Application Profiling mode of Sybase Central.

  • Automated application profiling approach   The automated approach involves using the Application Profiling Wizard in Sybase Central to create and analyze a tracing session to look for common performance problems, and provide specific recommendations on how to improve database performance. The wizard offers you some control over the types of activities it profiles, and recommendations are automatically provided at the end of the tracing session. The Index Consultant has also been integrated into the Application Profiling Wizard and uses the data to recommend indexes, if necessary.

    The automated approach is ideal for environments where there are few connections to the database being profiled, or where sophisticated profiling is not required.

  • Advanced application profiling approach using diagnostic tracing   The advanced approach involves reviewing the data generated during a tracing session that you create either manually from the command line, or using the Database Tracing Wizard in the Sybase Central Design mode. You can configure where the tracing data is stored. You also have full control over the activities profiled, allowing you to target specific problems. For example, you can target specific statements executed by the database server, query plans used, deadlocks, connections that block each other, performance statistics, and so on.

    The advanced approach is recommended for environments where the database being profiled has a high workload, or where sophisticated profiling is required to diagnose a problem. By customizing the tracing session, you can reduce the tracing scope to specific activities, and you can direct tracing data to a remotely located database. Both of these actions reduce the workload on the database being profiled.

    See Advanced application profiling using diagnostic tracing.

Application Profiling mode in Sybase Central allows you to explore the data gathered using either approach. For example, you can open a tracing session generated by the Database Tracing Wizard to look at a statement and then see a list of all connections that blocked the statement. Or, you can browse the tracing session data gathered by the Application Profiling Wizard to identify the most expensive statements and procedures, and gain insight into any other factors that are impacting the performance of your application.


The Application Profiling Wizard is not supported on Windows Mobile; however, the Database Tracing Wizard is. As well, you must trace from the Windows Mobile device to a copy of the Windows Mobile database running on a database server on a desktop computer. You cannot automatically create a tracing database from a Windows Mobile device, and you cannot trace to the local database on a Windows Mobile device.

Application Profiling Wizard
Procedure profiling in Application Profiling mode
Index Consultant