Exporting databases


If the database you want to unload is already running, and you start the Unload Database Wizard, the SQL Anywhere plug-in automatically stops the database before you can unload it.

To unload all or part of a database (Sybase Central)

  1. From the Tools menu, choose SQL Anywhere 11 » Unload Database.

  2. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

To unload all or part of a database (Command line)

  • Run the dbunload utility, specifying connection parameters using the -c option.

    To unload the entire database to the directory c:\DataFiles on the server computer:

    dbunload -c "DBN=demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" c:\DataFiles

    The statements required to recreate the schema and reload the tables are written to reload.sql in the local current directory.

    To export data only, use -d. For example:

    dbunload -c "DBN=demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -d c:\DataFiles

    The statements required to reload the tables are written to reload.sql in the local current directory.

    To export schema only, use -n. For example:

    dbunload -c "DBN=demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -n

    The statements required to recreate the schema are written to reload.sql in the local current directory.

For more information, see Unload utility (dbunload).