SYSFKCOL compatibility view (deprecated)

Each row of SYSFKCOL describes the association between a foreign column in the foreign table of a relationship and the primary column in the primary table. This view is deprecated; use the SYSIDX and SYSIDXCOL system views instead.

The tables and columns that make up this view are provided in the SQL statement below. To learn more about a particular table or column, use the links provided beneath the view definition.

  as select a.table_id as foreign_table_id,
    a.index_id as foreign_key_id,
    a.column_id as foreign_column_id,
    from SYS.ISYSIDXCOL as a
      ,SYS.ISYSIDX as b
    where a.table_id = b.table_id
    and a.index_id = b.index_id
    and b.index_category = 2;
See also