Each row in the SYSTEXTCONFIG system view describes one text configuration object, for use with the full text search feature. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSTEXTCONFIG.

For more information about the full text search feature, see Full text search.

Column name Column type Description
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT The object ID for the text configuration object.
creator UNSIGNED INT The creator of the text configuration object.
term_breaker TINYINT The algorithm used to separate a string into terms/words. Values are 0 for GENERIC and 1 for NGRAM. GENERIC treats as a term any string of one or more alphanumerics separated by non-alphanumerics. NGRAM is for approximate matching or for documents that do not use a whitespace to separate terms.
stemmer TINYINT For internal use only.
min_term_length TINYINT

The minimum length, in characters, allowed for a term. Terms that are shorter than min_term_length are ignored.

The MINIMUM TERM LENGTH setting is not meaningful for the NGRAM term breaker and is ignored.

max_term_length TINYINT

The maximum length, in characters, allowed for a term. Terms that are longer than max_term_length are ignored.

collation CHAR(128) For internal use only.
text_config_name CHAR(128) The name of the text configuration object.
prefilter CHAR(128) For internal use only.
postfilter CHAR(128) For internal use only.
char_stoplist LONG VARCHAR Terms to ignore when performing a full text search on CHAR columns. These terms are also omitted from text indexes.
nchar_stoplist LONG NVARCHAR Terms to ignore when performing a full text search on NCHAR columns. These terms are also omitted from text indexes.
Constraints on underlying system table

PRIMARY KEY (object_id)

FOREIGN KEY (object_id) references SYS.ISYSOBJECT (object_id ) MATCH UNIQUE FULL

FOREIGN KEY (creator) references SYS.ISYSUSER (user_id)