sa_text_index_stats system procedure

Returns statistical information about the text indexes in the database.

sa_text_index_stats( )

Use the sa_text_index_stats system procedure to view statistical information for each text index in the database. The following table describes the information returned by sa_text_index_stats.

Column name Type Description
owner_id UNSIGNED INT ID of the owner of the table
table_id UNSIGNED INT ID of the table
index_id UNSIGNED INT ID of the text index
text_config_id UNSIGNED BIGINT ID of the text configuration object referenced by the index
owner_name CHAR(128) Name of the owner
table_name CHAR(128) Name of the table
index_name CHAR(128) Name of the text index
text_config_name CHAR(128) Name of the text configuration object
doc_count UNSIGNED BIGINT Total number of indexed values in the text index
doc_length UNSIGNED BIGINT Total length of all indexed values in the text index
pending_length UNSIGNED BIGINT Total length of the pending additions
deleted_length UNSIGNED BIGINT Total length of the pending deletions
last_refresh TIMESTAMP Date and time of the last refresh

The pending_length, deleted_length, and last_refresh values are NULL for IMMEDIATE REFRESH text indexes.

For AUTO REFRESH and MANUAL REFRESH text indexes, you can compare doc_length with pending_length and deleted_length to decide whether to refresh the text index, as well as the type of refresh to perform (rebuild vs. incremental). See Creating text indexes.


DBA authority required

Side effects


See also

The following statement returns statistical information for each text index in the database:

CALL sa_text_index_stats( );