Server message callbacks and extended error data

Within a server message callback routine, an application retrieves the CS_COMMAND with the extended error data by calling ct_con_props with property as CS_EED_CMD:

CS_RETCODE      ret;
 CS_COMMAND      *eed_cmd;
 CS_INT          outlen;

ret = ct_con_props(connection, CS_GET, CS_EED_CMD,
     &eed_cmd, CS_UNUSED, &outlen);

ct_con_props sets eed_cmd to point to the CS_COMMAND on which the extended error data is available.

Once it has the CS_COMMAND, the callback routine processes the extended error data as a normal parameter result set, calling ct_res_info, ct_describe, ct_bind, ct_fetch, and ct_get_data to describe, bind, and fetch the parameters. It is not necessary for the callback routine to call ct_results.