CS_IODESC structure

A CS_IODESC structure, or I/O descriptor structure, describes text or image data.

An application calls ct_data_info to retrieve a CS_IODESC structure after retrieving a text or image value that it plans to update at a later time.

Once it has a valid CS_IODESC, a typical application changes only the values of the locale, total_txtlen, and log_on_update fields before using the CS_IODESC to update the text or image value.

An application calls ct_data_info to define a CS_IODESC structure after calling ct_command to initiate a send-data operation to update a text or image value.

A CS_IODESC is defined as follows:

typedef struct _cs_iodesc
     CS_INT        iotype;             /* CS_IODATA.           */
     CS_INT        datatype;           /* Text or image.      */
     CS_LOCALE     *locale;            /* Locale information. */
     CS_INT        usertype;           /* User-defined type.  */
     CS_INT        total_txtlen;       /* Total data length.  */
     CS_INT        offset;             /* Reserved.           */
     CS_BOOL       log_on_update       /* Log the insert?     */
     CS_CHAR       name[CS_OBJ_NAME];  /* Name of data object.*/
     CS_INT        namelen             /* Length of name.     */
     CS_BYTE       timestamp[CS_TS_SIZE];  /* Adaptive Server id.  */
     CS_INT        timestamplen;       /* Length of timestamp.*/
     CS_BYTE       textptr[CS_TP_SIZE];    /* Adaptive Server ptr. */
     CS_INT        textptrlen;         /* Length of textptr.  */
