Deploying Data Provider into the GAC

If the updated Data Provider assembly and the policy assembly are deployed into the GAC, all of the applications on this system automatically begin to use the updated Provider.�

Excluding specific applications from using the updated Data Provider

If you want to exclude a specific application from using this updated Data Provider, you can set up an application configuration file for this application that forces safe mode to override the Publisher policy file.

NoteData Provider consists of two core files: Sybase.Data.AseClient.dll and sybdrvado11.dll. Multiple versions of Sybase.Data.AseClient.dll can be installed in the GAC. The sybdrvado11.dll, however, is not installed in the GAC and is located at runtime using the system PATH. This file is installed in the Data Provider installation directory. Sybase could change the name or version string for this DLL in upgrade releases. For example in the 1.0 release this file was called aseado.dll and in 1.1 release it is called sybdrvado11.dll. When such an update is installed, do not delete the older version of this file unless Data Provider versions using this file are removed from the GAC. Otherwise applications attempting to use the older version of the provider will fail.�