Validating a server by its certificate

Any Open Client and Open Server connection to an SSL-enabled server requires that the server have a certificate file, which consists of the server’s certificate and an encrypted private key. The certificate must also be digitally signed by a CA.

Open Client applications establish a socket connection to Adaptive Server similarly to the way that existing client connections are established. Before any user data is transmitted, an SSL handshake occurs on the socket when the network transport-level connect call completes on the client side and the accept call completes on the server side.

To make a successful connection to an SSL-enabled server:

When establishing a connection to an SSL-enabled Adaptive Server, Adaptive Server loads its own encoded certificates file at start-up from %SYBASE%\%SYBASE_ASE%\certificates\servername.crt. The servername is the name of the Adaptive Server as specified on the command line when starting the server with the -S flag or from the server’s environment variable $DSLISTEN.

Other types of servers may store their certificate in a different location. See the vendor-supplied documentation for the location of your server’s certificate.