Migrating to ASE OLE DB Provider by Sybase

To migrate your applications from the OLE DB Driver Kit to the ASE OLE DB Provider by Sybase, you must edit the connection string used by OLE DB client applications. The provider short name for the ASE OLE DB Provider by Sybase is “ASEOLEDB”.

If you use ASE OLE DB Configuration Manager to store your OLE DB Data Source definitions in the registry, use the OLE DB DSN Migration tool to migrate these definitions for use by the ASE OLE DB Provider by Sybase. For instructions, refer to the “Using the Sybase ASE Data Source Administrator” and “Using the DSN Migration tool” sub-sections in the Open Server 12.5.1 and SDK 12.5.1 New Features for Microsoft Windows, Linux, and UNIX.

Known differences in behavior between the OLE DB Driver Kit and ASE OLE DB Provider by Sybase are documented in “Unsupported OLE DB features”.

NoteThe connection string syntax for ASE OLE DB Provider by Sybase is documented in the Adaptive Server Enterprise OLE DB Provider by Sybase User's Guide for Microsoft Windows.

The connection string syntax differs from the syntax for the OLE DB Driver Kit. The OLE DB Provider by Sybase honors the OLE DB Driver Kit syntax, but Sybase recommends that you migrate your connection string syntax to the new syntax when possible.