Submitting HTML forms while offline

When submitting a form, keep in mind the options in the Tools menu for working with text. These functions are especially useful for filling out forms. See Working with text for instructions.

To submit HTML forms in M-Business Client while offline
  1. Fill out the form.

    Sample HTML form on Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2003 device
  2. Tap the Submit button. (This button might be labeled something else, like OK or Update.)

    M-Business Client displays a message saying the form will be submitted on the next synchronization.

  3. Tap OK.

    The form has been added to the Forms Manager queue.


    You can use the Forms Manager to view the status of the submitted form. For instructions, see Using the Forms Manager.

  4. Synchronize your mobile device to send the form to the Website.

    See the documentation that came with your mobile device for instructions.