Overview of channel design

When you are designing a Web site for an M-Business channel, you have to make design decisions at two levels:

  • Site level – how many links away from the home page within your site will be downloaded in the channel; whether or not links to pages outside your site will be included in the channel; the maximum size within which your channel must fit. These issues are covered in Designing the channel Web site.

  • Page level – the nitty-gritty details of each page; the specific HTML used; details of graphics to that are included; which mobile devices you want to optimize your pages for and which pages you want to optimize. These issues are covered in Designing pages for the channel Web site.

    At the page level, the design decisions you need to make about graphics for your channel warrant their own section in this chapter—Designing graphics for channel pages.

Even if you are really in a hurry to get your channel up and running, you should spend some time going over the section on Designing the channel Web site before you start designing your channel pages. You can skim the rest of this chapter, returning to sections that deal with specific issues as you encounter them.