Specifying a character set with a Content-Type tag in the HTTP header

Instead of placing a Charset META tag on each page, you can set up your Web server to include a charset attribute in the HTTP header it sends with your channel pages to M-Business Client. The details are similar in form to the HTML META tag.

The Content-Type entity-header field indicates the media type of the entity-body sent to the recipient, along with optional attributes like character set:

Content-type: <media_type>; charset=charset_id

...where charset_id is the appropriate character set identifier, selected from the list above, under Supported double-byte character sets.

The following example specifies HTML pages using the UTF-8 character set:

Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8

You can specify a global character set in your Web server's HTTP headers, then override it with the Charset META tag on individual pages. The individual page's Charset META tag always takes precedence.