Pages to download supporting binaries

Binaries are platform specific; different binaries must be downloaded to run on Microsoft OS vs. Palm OS devices. The Master page uses the DEVICE_OS URL macro to cause the correct pods.htm page to be downloaded—the line below is near the end of the file:

<a href="PODS/AG_DEVICEOS/pods.htm"></a>

When M-Business Server replaces AG_DEVICE with the value supplied by either a Microsoft OS or Palm OS device, the pods.htm page in turn causes the download of the correct binaries that have been compiled to run on that device OS—.dll files are downloaded to Microsoft OS devices and .prc files are downloaded to Palm OS devices. For more information on URL macros, see Using server URL macros to customize content.


The link from the master page, CustomersList.html to a pods.htm is at the same Link Depth required to download CustomerDetail.html. The link from either pods.htm file to the supporting binaries adds one to the Link Depth. If CustomerDetail.html is already at the limit of your Link Depth, the binaries will fail to download. For more information on how Link Depth is calculated, see the Link Depth topic in Description of channel settings. To see how to get around your Link Depth setting, if you do not want to increase it, see Downloading a page beyond channel's Link Depth.
