Supported data types in XSD files

Refer to the table below when you need to specify data types when working with the M-Business XML API. For information on designing an application and setting up supporting files, see Using M-Business XML Conduit and API and Building Applications with M-Business XML Conduit.


If you are supporting double-byte character set (DBCS) data, you need to follow some additional guidelines for setting up the supporting files. See Working with double-byte character sets (DBCS).

Table 1. Supported data types in XSD files

Data type

XSD type specification

64-bit unsigned integer

type = "xsd:double"

32-bit signed integer

type = "xsd:int"

32-bit unsigned integer

type = "xsd:unsignedInt"

16-bit signed integer

type = "xsd:short"

16-bit unsigned integer

type = "xsd:unsignedShort"

character string (32kB maximum size)

type = "xsd:string"

boolean value (valid values: "true ", "false ")

type = "xsd:boolean"

date/time value (supports dates from January 1, 1902, to January 1, 2038—format is: YYYY:MM:DD:T:hh:mm:ss )

type = "xsd:datetime"