objectForName( )

Gets the object for a specific name.

IDL definition
PODSObject objectForName(PODSString name);
JavaScript synopsis

Not applicable

C synopsis
PODSObject* PODSobjectForName(
  PODSObjectSrc* objsrc,
  PODSString name
  • objsrc   The PODSObjectSrc object.

  • name   [in] Name of object to return.


PODSObject for specified name.


Useful when two PODs are communicating with each other. Typically only used from its PODSObjectMgr subclass, but should implemented from PODSObjectSrc interface if you are implementing your own PODSObjectSrc.

The PODSObjectSrc implementation of objectForName( ) only checks the PODSObjectSrc on which it is invoked, while the PODSObjectMgr implementation walks through all the registered PODS objects until an object matching the specified name is found.

See also

PODSObjectMgr object's objectForName( )