Optional parameters

A type string may contain a "/" to indicate that any remaining parameters are optional. For example, suppose that a method foo’s type string is "ss/ib". The method could be implemented in C using a function such as:

void foo(PODSObject* self, PODSString s, PODSString t, PODSInt32 I, PODSBoolean b)

Note that the C function has no special knowledge of the fact that its last two arguments are optional when called from JavaScript. If JavaScript calls

p.foo("hello", "world")

then M-Business automatically passes the values 0 and PODS_FALSE as the method’s third and fourth arguments. Similarly, JavaScript can call

p.foo("hello", "world", 234)

and M-Business supplies the default value PODS_FALSE for the fourth argument only. If JavaScript calls


then a JavaScript error results, because the call has not supplied all required arguments.


The b and B parameter types differ only in their default values. If a parameter is required, then b and B are equivalent.