smMemCopy( )

Copy a block of memory to another memory location.

IDL definition
PODSInt16 smMemCopy(
  any dest, 
  any src, 
  PODSUInt32 length
JavaScript synopsis

Not applicable

C synopsis
PODSInt16 PODSsmMemCopy(
  PODSMemoryMgr* memmgr, 
  void* dest,
  void* src, 
  PODSUInt32 length
  • memmgr   The PODSMemoryMgr object.

  • dest   [in] Pointer to destination to copy to.

  • src   [in] Pointer to source to copy from.

  • length   [in] Number of bytes to copy.


On Palm OS, returns 0 if successful, -1 otherwise.

On other platforms, return value is undefined.

See also

smDup( ), smStrDup( )