Java sample SOAP client files

The file logs in to M-Business SOAP Server and sets up an environment from which calls can be made to the M-Business SOAP API.

Test files

The Java files that actually make the test calls to M-Business SOAP Server are located in the <M-Business_Home>/samples/java/tests/ directory, The file names indicate the groups of functions that each file tests:





The following is the first call from, logging in to M-Business SOAP Server:

        // login to a session
        try {
            // NOTE: Make sure to set this to the exact same AuthKey string
            //       that is in the ../conf/agsoap.conf file.
            //       (otherwise you will keep seeing login failures because
            //        the server won't be able to decrypt the password)
            String AuthKey = "";
            // Encrypt the password using the Blowfish
            BlowfishCrypt crypt = new BlowfishCrypt();
            crypt.encrypt( AuthKey, AuthKey.length(),
                           password, password.length() );
            byte[] dest = crypt.getDest();
            String b64password =  base64.encode( dest );
            // actually login as a user now
            RPCCall call = new RPCCall( /* SoapConfig */ sc,
                                        /* namespace  */ "urn:AvantgoWebAPI",
                                        /* method     */ "loginUser" );
            // set parameters
            call.setParameter( /* name  */ "userName",
                               /* value */ userName,
                               /* type  */ String.class );
            call.setParameter( /* name  */ "b64password",
                               /* value */ b64password,
                               /* type  */ String.class );