
The M-Business SOAP API allows developers to programmatically execute functions that would otherwise have to be performed through the M-Business Administration Console user interface. This API is very different from all the other APIs documented in this guide:

  • The program you write to access the M-Business SOAP API runs on the desktop, not on M-Business Client. This program may be referred to as a SOAP client, which is totally unrelated to M-Business Client.

  • You may access functions in the M-Business SOAP API from any language that supports SOAP; the sample code for Java and C# ships with M-Business Server.

  • You may not programmatically initiate a synchronization from a SOAP client.

  • To trap errors returned by SOAP functions, you first check for an HTTP 200 error, then compare the value of the FaultString parameter with a list of error conditions. See M-Business SOAP API error messages.