Summary of M-Business SOAP API functions

Refer to the following table to view a list of M-Business SOAP API functions, organized by the type of M-Business Server functionality they are used to manage.


Order in which function groups are presented is based on frequency with which they are likely to be used. Functions within a group appear in alphabetical order.


Associated functions

Session management functions

loginUser( )

logoutUser( )

User management functions

userChangePassword( )

userClearCache( )

userCreate( )

userDelete( )

userFindUsers( )

userGetBasicInfo( )

userGetGroups( )

userGetInfo( )

userGetSyncLogs( )

userGetWebConduitSyncState( )

userSetWebConduitSyncState( )

userUpdate( )

Group management functions

groupGetAll( )

groupGetAllListInfo( )

groupGetInfo( )

groupCreate( )

groupDelete( )

groupUpdate( )

groupAddXmlChannel( )

groupRemoveXmlChannel( )

groupUpdateXmlChannel( )

groupGetXmlChannelDetail( )

groupAddUser( )

groupRemoveUser( )

groupGetGroupsForUser( )

groupAddAllUsersIntoGroup( )

groupAddAdmin( )

groupRemoveAdmin( )

groupIsUserGroupAdmin( )

Web channel functions

webchannelCreate( )

webchannelDelete( )

webchannelGetAll( )

webchannelGetInfo( )

webchannelGetSynced( )

webchannelUpdate( )

Public channel functions

webchannelCreateCategory( )

webchannelDeleteCategory( )

webchannelDeleteCategoryChannel( )

webchannelFindPublicChannels( )

webchannelGetAllCategories( )

webchannelGetCategoryChannelCount( )

webchannelGetCategoryInfo( )

webchannelGetPublicChannelIds( )

webchannelMoveCategoryToTopLevel( )

webchannelSubscribeToPublicChannel( )

webchannelUnsubscribeFromPublicChannel( )

webchannelUpdateCategory( )

Report functions

sqlQuery( )

M-Business Server configuration functions

configAllowSelfRegistration( )

configEnableConduit( )

configEnablePersonalChannels( )

configEnableSelfRegistration( )

configGetInfo( )

configSetAdminPassword( )

configSetMinPasswordLength( )