ObjectSrc sample: vending objects to JavaScript

Below is a listing of the ObjectSrc.c sample code file. For instructions on obtaining the source for this sample POD, see Downloading and working with the PODS sample files.

 * Copyright 2004 iAnwhere Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. 
 * objectsrc.c 
#include "pods.h" 
#include "podsstartup.h" 
#include "objectsrc.h"

// This is the function that it invoked when the 
// object manager is searching for an object. If 
// the name matches our SAMPLE_NAME, we return our 
// object (creating it if necessary) and return it 
// to the object manager. 
static PODSObject 
           *podsObjSrc, PODSString name) 
   ObjectSrc *self = (ObjectSrc *)podsObjSrc;

   if (0 == strcmp(name, SAMPLE_NAME)) { 
      if (!self->sampleObject) 
         self->sampleObject = SampleObjectNew();

      return (PODSObject *)self->sampleObject; 

   return NULL; 

static void ObjectSrcDestroy(PODSObjectSrc 
   ObjectSrc *self = (ObjectSrc *)podsObjSrc;

   if (self->sampleObject) 
      PODSdestroy((PODSObject *)self->sampleObject); 

// Create our object source and fill in vtable 
// entries for objectForName and destroy 
// ObjectSrc *ObjectSrcNew(PODSObjectMgr *objectMgr) 
   ObjectSrc *self = (ObjectSrc *)calloc(1, sizeof(ObjectSrc));

   self->vtable = (PODSObjectSrcVTable *)calloc(1, sizeof(PODSObjectSrcVTable)); 

   PODS_SET_METHOD(self->vtable, objectForName, ObjectSrcObjectForName); 
   PODS_SET_METHOD(self->vtable, destroy, ObjectSrcDestroy);

   self->objectMgr = objectMgr;

   return self; 