documentForUrl( )

Returns a document for a URL.



IDL definition
PODSDocument documentForUrl(PODSString url,
  out PODSBoolean handled
JavaScript synopsis

Not applicable

C synopsis
PODSDocument* PODSdocumentForUrl(
  PODSDocumentSrc* docsrc,
  PODSString str,
  PODSBoolean* handled
  • docsrc   The PODSDocumentSrc object.

  • str   [in] The URL for the document.

  • handled   [out] Indicates whether the request was handled successfully: PODS_TRUE on success; PODS_FALSE otherwise. You may return handled as PODS_TRUE while returning a NULL PODSDocument. Returning handled as PODS_TRUE merely indicates that no further processing is needed.


PODSDocument object for the specified. May be NULL.


Your document source should implement this method or documentForSubmission( ).

The PODSDocumentSrc implementation of documentForUrl( ) only checks the specified document source, while the PODSDocumentMgr implementation walks through all the registered document sources until a document with a matching URL is found.

See also

documentForSubmission( ), PODSDocumentMgr object's documentForUrl( )