Finding a list of users matching what you enter

To quickly locate a single user, or all the users matching the information that you enter
  1. Log in to M-Business Server as admin.

  2. In the Navigation Panel, choose Users » Find User.

  3. Enter the information for the users you want to find.

    • User Name – to match the login names of the user accounts.

    • First Name – to match the first names of user accounts.

    • Last Name – to match the last names of user accounts.

      This search does not support wildcards or Boolean operators, and it is not case sensitive. If you type the first letter or the first few letters of a name, all names beginning with the letters you enter are returned.


    If you have integrated M-Business Server with an NT domain, you must use both first and last names to search for a user.


    Typing user information in more than one field acts as an AND statement. For example, if you type d in the User Name field and k in the Last Name field, the search engine returns only the users who have a user name that begins with d and has a last name that begins with k.

  4. Click Search.

    The list of matching users appears below the search fields, with users listed in alphabetical order by User Name.

    If your search returns a large number of matching users, only the first 25 are listed.

  5. From the list of matching users, you can:

    • View the User Name, Name, and Device OS for listed users.

    • Edit a user, by clicking the link in the User Name column.

    • Delete a user, by clicking the Delete link.

    • Delete selected users, by checking the box in the Delete column for each user to delete, then clicking Delete All Checked Users. Use the Check All Users and Uncheck All Users options to select the right combination of users checked on a page.