Generating an RSA certificate request and a private key

Use the reqcert script to generate a request from iAnywhere Solutions for an RSA certificate and a private key.

To generate an RSA certificate request and a private key
  1. Run the reqcert script.


    • Open Windows Explorer.
    • Navigate to the <M-Business_Home>/openssl/bin directory.
    • Double-click reqcert.bat file.


    • Open a UNIX shell window.
    • cd to <M-Business_Home>/openssl/bin directory.
    • Type ./
  2. Enter your PEM passphrase, then press <Enter>.

  3. When prompted, provide the following information, pressing <Enter> after each response:

    • Country code.
    • State or province.
    • Locality or city.
    • Organization name.
    • Organizational unit.
    • Common name of the server on which M-Business Server is installed. Use the fully qualified server name.
    • E-mail address.
  4. The script ends.

    The script creates two files: your private key (privkey.pem) and your certificate request (certreq.csr).

Obtaining a trial certificate
Completing your certificate file