Finding public channels

You must create public channels before you can list them. See Creating a new public channel.

To find existing public channels matching your search criteria
  1. Log in to M-Business Server as admin.

  2. In the Navigation Panel, choose Public Channels » Find Channel.

  3. In the Search Text field, enter the first few characters of the channel Title or Description.

    Capitalization does not matter. If the text you type occurs in any position within the field you select in the next step, it counts as a match.

  4. For Search In select the public channel field to search: Title or Description.

  5. Click Search.

  6. From the search results returned on the Find Channel page, you can:

    • View the Title, Category, number of Users subscribed, and Description for each of the public channels listed.

    • Edit a public channel by clicking the link in the Title column.

    • Delete a public channel.