Downloading M-Business Client

The options for downloading M-Business Client to specific mobile device platforms are included primarily for use by individual users in Personal mode, but are also available in Administrator and Group Administrator modes.


With wireless devices, you must still dock the device in a cradle that is physically connected to your computer to download M-Business Client.

To download M-Business Client
  1. Log in to M-Business Server.

  2. In the navigation panel, choose Server » Downloads » <language>, where <language> is one of the supported languages.

    The options for the different M-Business Client platforms appear below Downloads in the navigation panel.

  3. In the navigation panel, choose the platform to which you are downloading M-Business Client.

    The M-Business Client Download page appears, with specific instructions for the M-Business Client platform you selected.

  4. Follow the instructions on the M-Business Client Download page to download M-Business Client to your device.