Appendix A: Sample Language Application  Appendix B: Sample RPC Application

Appendix A: Sample Language Application

Sample program – SYCTSAA6

/*        @(#) syctsaa6.c   11.3 10/14/96     */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*  CICS TRANID:  SYA6                                              */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*  PROGRAM:     SYCTSAA6                                           */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*  PURPOSE:  Demonstrates Open Client for CICS CALLs.              */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*  FUNCTION: Illustrates how to send a language request with       */
 /*            parameters to:                                        */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*              - A SQL Server                                      */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*            SQL Server:                                           */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*              If the request is sent to a SQL Server it           */
 /*              executes the SQL statement:                         */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*                  SELECT  FIRSTNME, EDUCLVL                       */
 /*                    FROM  SYBASE.SAMPLETB                         */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*  PREREQS:  Before running SYCTSAA6, make sure that the server    */
 /*            you wish to access has an entry in the Connection     */
 /*            Router Table for that Server and the MCG(s) that      */
 /*            you wish to use.                                      */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* INPUT:    On the input screen, make sure to enter the Server     */
 /*           name, user id, and password for the target             */
 /*           TRAN NAME is not used for LAN servers.                 */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*  Open Client CALLs used in this sample:                          */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*    cs_convert    convert a datatype from one value to another    */
 /*    cs_ctx_alloc  allocate a context                              */
 /*    cs_ctx_drop   drop a context                                  */
 /*    ct_bind       bind a column variable                          */
 /*    ct_close      close a server connection                       */
 /*    ct_config     set or retrieve context properties              */
 /*    ct_cmd_alloc  allocate a command                              */
 /*    ct_cmd_drop   drop a command                                  */
 /*    ct_command    initiate remote procedure call                  */
 /*    ct_con_alloc  allocate a connection                           */
 /*    ct_con_drop   drop a connection                               */
 /*    ct_con_props  alter properties of a connection                */
 /*    ct_connect    open a server connection                        */
 /*    ct_describe   return a description of result data             */
 /*    ct diag       retrieve SQLCODE messages                       */
 /*    ct_exit       exit client library                             */
 /*    ct_fetch      fetch result data                               */
 /*    ct_init       init client library                             */
 /*    ct_results    set up result data                              */
 /*    ct_res_info   return result set info                          */
 /*    ct_send       send a request to the server                    */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* History:                                                         */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* Date    BTS#   Descrition                                        */
 /* ======= ====== ================================================= */
 /* Sept 96        Create                                            */
 /*                                                                  */
 /*                                                                  */
 #pragma csect(code,"SYCTSAA6")
 #pragma linkage(SYCVTD,  OS)
 /* CLIENT LIBRARY C COPY BOOK                                       */
 #include "ctpublic.h"
 /* CICS BMS DEFINITIONS C COPY BOOK                                 */
 #include "syctba6.h"
 /* DEFINES                                                          */
 #define FALSE          0
 #define TRUE           1
 #define IN  a6panel.a6paneli
 #define OUT a6panel.a6panelo
 #define RS  a6panel.a6panelo.rsltne
 /* GLOBALS - CLIENT COMMON WORK AREA                                */
    **  Open Client variables
    CS_CONTEXT    *context;          /* pointer to context handle    */
    CS_CONNECTION *connection;       /* pointer to connection handle */
    CS_COMMAND    *cmd;              /* pointer to command proc      */
    CS_CHAR     servname[30];        /* Server name        */
    CS_CHAR     username[8];         /* User login name    */
    CS_CHAR     pwd[8];              /* Password           */
    CS_CHAR     tran[8];             /* Transaction name   */
    CS_CHAR     driver[9];           /* Network driver     */
    CS_INT      server_size;
    CS_INT      user_size;
    CS_INT      pwd_size;
    CS_INT      tran_size;
    CS_CHAR     msgstr[40];          /* message string     */
    CS_INT      msg_size = 40;       /* error message size */
    CS_CHAR     msgtext1[79];
    CS_CHAR     msgtext2[79];
    CS_INT      text_size = 79;
    CS_INT      page_cnt = 0;
    CS_INT      row_num = 0;
    CS_INT      version;             /* CT version #       */
    CS_VARCHAR  col_firstnme;
    CS_SMALLINT col_edlevel;
    CS_INT      maxconnect = 0;
    CS_INT      results_type;
    **  Variables to control program flow
    CS_SMALLINT   no_input = 1;
    CS_SMALLINT   no_errors_sw = 1;
    CS_SMALLINT   no_more_results = 0;
    CS_SMALLINT   diag_msgs_initialized = 0;
    CS_INT        print_once = 1;
    **  Variables for conversion to display
    CS_INT      cvtleft;
    CS_INT      cvtright;
    double      cvtdbl;
    char        cvtwork[17];
    **  CICS variables for
    **  System date and time
    char        TMP_DATE[8] = "        ";
    char        TMP_TIME[8] = "        ";
    char UTIME[8];
 /* Standard CICS Attribute and Print Control Chararcter List        */
 #include <dfhbmsca.h>                   /* BMS definitions          */
 /* CICS Standard Attention Identifiers C Copy Book                  */
  #include <dfhaid.h>                     /* PFK definitions          */
  /* Local Functions Prototypes                                       */
  void   proces_input();
  void   bind_columns();
  void   send_command();
  void   proces_results();
  void   result_row_processing();
  void   fetch_row_processing();
  void   error_out();
  void   get_diag_messages();
  void   get_client_msgs();
  void   get_server_msgs();
  void   close_connection();
  void   quit_client_library();
  void   display_initial_screen();
  void   get_input_data();
  void   disp_data();
  /* Main routine                                                     */
  main ()
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        i;
  /* program initialization                                           */
         memset (msgtext1, ' ', text_size);
         strncpy (msgtext2, "Press Clear To Exit", text_size);
         page_cnt  = page_cnt + 1;
         memset(servname, ' ', 30);
         memset(username, ' ', 8);
         memset(tran, ' ', 8);
         memset(pwd, ' ', 8);
         memset(driver, ' ', 9);
         for (i = 0; i < 14; ++i)
            memset (RS[i].rsltno, ' ', text_size); /* init output
 lines  */
         /*  get system time   */
                   TIMESEP ;
         display_initial_screen ();
         get_input_data ();
  /* Allocate a context structure                                     */
      if (no_input == FALSE)
         version = CS_VERSION_50;
         rc = cs_ctx_alloc (version, &context);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CSCTXALLOC failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
            EXEC CICS RETURN ;
 /* Initialize the Client-Library                                    */
         /* context allocated, it's now OK to use ct_diag for message
            retrieving                                                */
         diag_msgs_initialized = 1;
         rc = ct_init (context, version);
         if (rc == CS_SUCCEED)
            proces_input ();
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_INIT failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
         close_connection ();
         quit_client_library ();
      }  /* process input data entered */
      else  /* no input data received */
  }   /* end main */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to display the initial screen                         */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   display_initial_screen ()
          strncpy (OUT.sdateo, TMP_DATE, 8);
          strncpy (OUT.stimeo, TMP_TIME, 8);
          strncpy (OUT.prognmo, "SYCTSAA6", 8);
          strncpy (OUT.msg1o, msgtext1, text_size);
          strncpy (OUT.msg2o, msgtext2, text_size);
          strncpy (OUT.spageo, "0001", 4);
                           FREEKB ;
  }   /* end display_initial_screen  */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to get input data                                     */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   get_input_data ()
   CS_SMALLINT   enter_data_sw = 0;
   CS_CHAR       blank30[30] = "                              ";
   CS_CHAR       blank8[8] = "        ";
   int           i;
          EXEC CICS RECEIVE MAP("a6panel")
                            ASIS ;
          if (IN.serverl == 0)
             if (strncmp (servname, blank30, 30) == 0)
                IN.serverl    = -1 ;        /* set the cursor position */
                strncpy (msgtext1, "Please Enter Server Name",
                enter_data_sw  = TRUE ;
          else if (IN.serverl > 0)
             server_size = IN.serverl ;
             strncpy (servname, IN.serveri, server_size);
             no_input = 0;
          if (IN.userl == 0)
             if (strncmp (username, blank8, 8) == 0)
                IN.userl       = -1 ;   /* set the cursor position */
                if (enter_data_sw == FALSE) /* not overlaid  msgtext1 */
                   strncpy (msgtext1, "Please Enter User-ID", text_size);
                enter_data_sw  = TRUE ;
                user_size = IN.userl ;
                strncpy (username, IN.useri, user_size);
          if (IN.pswdl != 0)
                pwd_size = IN.pswdl ;
                strncpy (pwd, IN.pswdi, pwd_size);
          if (IN.tranl != 0)
                tran_size = IN.tranl ;
                strncpy (tran, IN.trani, tran_size);
          if (IN.netdrvl != 0)
                strncpy (driver, IN.netdrvi, 9);
                for (i=0; i<9; ++i)
                    driver[i] = toupper (driver[i]);
          if (enter_data_sw == TRUE)      /* bad input data  */
                enter_data_sw = FALSE ;
                display_initial_screen ();/* request for input again */
                get_input_data ();
  }   /*  end get_input_data  */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to process input data                                 */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   proces_input ()
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        *outlen;
   CS_INT        buf_len;
   CS_INT        msglimit;
   CS_INT        netdriver;
  /* Allocate a connection to the server                        */
         rc = ct_con_alloc (context, &connection);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CONALLOC failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Alter properties of the connection for user-id             */
         buf_len  = user_size;
         rc = ct_con_props (connection, (long)CS_SET,
                            (long)CS_USERNAME, username,
                            buf_len, outlen);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CON_PROPS for user-id failed",
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Alter properties of the connection for password            */
         buf_len = pwd_size;
         rc = ct_con_props (connection, (long)CS_SET,
                           (long)CS_PASSWORD, pwd, buf_len, outlen);
          if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CON_PROPS for password failed",
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Alter properties of the connection for transaction         */
         buf_len = tran_size;
         rc = ct_con_props (connection, (long)CS_SET,
                           tran, buf_len, outlen);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CON_PROPS for transaction failed",
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Alter properties of the connection for network driver      */
         netdriver = 9999;   /* default value for non-regconized
                                driver name                     */
         /* if no netdriver entered, default is LU62  */
         if (strncmp(driver,"         ",9) == 0  ??
             strncmp(driver,"LU62",4) == 0)
            netdriver = CS_LU62;
         else if (strncmp(driver,"INTERLINK",8) == 0)
            netdriver = CS_INTERLINK;
         else if (strncmp(driver,"IBMTCPIP",8) == 0)
            netdriver = CS_TCPIP;
         else if (strncmp(driver,"CPIC",4) == 0)
            netdriver = CS_NCPIC;
         rc = ct_con_props (connection, (long)CS_SET,
                           (long)CS_NET_DRIVER, (long) netdriver,
                           CS_UNUSED, outlen);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CON_PROPS for network driver failed",
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Setup retrieval of All Messages                            */
         rc = ct_diag (connection, CS_INIT,
                       CS_UNUSED, CS_UNUSED, CS_NULL);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_DIAG CS_INIT failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Set the upper limit of number of messages                  */
         msglimit = 5 ;
         rc = ct_diag (connection, CS_MSGLIMIT, CS_ALLMSG_TYPE,
                       CS_UNUSED, &msglimit);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_DIAG CS_MSGLIMIT failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Open connection to the server or CICS region               */
         rc = ct_connect (connection, servname, server_size);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CONNECT failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Invokes SEND_COMMAND routine                               */
         if (no_errors_sw)
            send_command ();
  /* Process the results of the command                         */
         if (no_errors_sw)
            while (no_more_results == FALSE)
               proces_results ();
  }   /* end proces_input */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to allocate, send, and process commands               */
  /*                                                                  */
  void send_command ()
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        *outlen;
   CS_INT        buf_len;
   CS_CHAR       sql_cmd[45];
  /* Find out what the maximum number of connections is         */
         rc = ct_config (context, CS_GET, CS_MAX_CONNECT,
                         &maxconnect, CS_FALSE, outlen);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CONFIG failed", msg_size);
            strncpy (msgtext2, "Please press return to continue!",
            /* reset program flags to move on with the task */
            print_once = TRUE;
            diag_msgs_initialized = TRUE;
            strncpy(msgtext2, "Press Clear To Exit", text_size);
  /* Allocate a command handle                                  */
         rc = ct_cmd_alloc (connection, &cmd);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CMDALLOC failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
  /* Prepare the language request                               */
         buf_len = sizeof(sql_cmd);
         rc = ct_command(cmd, (long) CS_LANG_CMD, sql_cmd,
                         buf_len, (long) CS_UNUSED);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_COMMAND failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Send the language request                                  */
         rc = ct_send (cmd);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strcpy (msgstr, "CT_SEND failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  }   /* end send_command */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to process the result                                 */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   proces_results ()
   CS_INT        rc;
  /* Set up the results data                                    */
         rc = ct_results (cmd, &results_type);
  /* Determine the outcome of the comand execution              */
         switch (rc)
            case CS_SUCCEED:
  /* Determine the type of result returned by the current request */
                 switch (results_type)
  /* Process row results                                        */
                    case CS_ROW_RESULT:
                         result_row_processing ();
                         fetch_row_processing ();
 /* Process parameter results --- there should be no parameter */
 /* to process                                                 */
                    case CS_PARAM_RESULT:
                         no_more_results = FALSE;
  /* process status results --- the stored procedure status     */
  /* result will not be processed in this example               */
                    case CS_STATUS_RESULT:
                         no_more_results = FALSE;
  /* print an error message if the server encountered an error  */
  /* while executing the request                                */
                    case CS_CMD_FAIL:
                         no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
                         strncpy (msgstr,
                           "CT_RESUL returned CS_CMD-FAIL restype",
                         error_out (rc);
  /* print a message for successful commands that returned no   */
  /* data( optional )                                           */
                    case CS_CMD_SUCCEED:
                         strncpy (msgstr,
                           "CT_RESUL returned CS_CMD_SUCCEED restype",
  /* print a message for requests that have been processed      */
  /* successfully( optional )                                   */
                    case CS_CMD_DONE:
                         strncpy (msgstr,
                         "CT_RESUL returned CS_CMD_DONE restype",
                         no_more_results = TRUE ;
                         no_errors_sw    = FALSE ;
                         strncpy (msgstr,
                           "CT_RESUL returned UNKNOWN restype",
                         error_out (rc);
                 }   /* end of switch (result_type) */
                 break;   /* case of CS_SUCCEED  */
  /* print an error message if the CTBRESULTS call failed       */
            case CS_FAIL:
                 no_more_results = TRUE ;
                 no_errors_sw    = FALSE ;
                 strncpy (msgstr, "CT_RESULTS returned CS_FAIL ret_code",
                 error_out (rc);
  /* drop out of the results loop if no more result sets are    */
  /* available for processing or if the results were cancelled  */
            case CS_END_RESULTS:
            case CS_CANCELLED:
                 no_more_results = TRUE ;
                 no_more_results = TRUE ;
                 no_errors_sw    = FALSE ;
                 strncpy (msgstr, "CT_RESULTS returned unknown ret_code",
                 error_out (rc);
         }  /* end of switch (rc) */
  }   /* end process_results */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to process result rows                                */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   result_row_processing ()
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        col_len;
   CS_INT        numcol;
   CS_INT        parm_cnt;
   char          msg1[40] = "The maximum number of connections is   ";
   char          msg2[25] = "The number of columns is ";
   char          wrk_str [4];
   char          period = '.';
  /* We need to bind the data to program variables. We don't    */
  /* care about the indicator variable so we'll pass NULL for   */
  /* that parameter in OC_BIND().                               */
         rc =
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_RES_INFO failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
 /* display the number of connections                          */
          row_num = row_num + 1;
          strncpy (RS[row_num].rsltno, msg1, msg_size);
          cvtleft  = 4;           /* Digits to the left */
          cvtright = 0;           /* Digits to the right */
          SYCVTD(maxconnect, wrk_str,
                  cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
          strncat (RS[row_num].rsltno, wrk_str, 4);
          row_num = row_num + 2;
  /* display the number of columns                              */
          strncpy (RS[row_num].rsltno, msg2, sizeof(msg2));
          cvtleft  = 4;           /* Digits to the left */
          cvtright = 0;           /* Digits to the right */
          SYCVTD(numcol, wrk_str,
                  cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
          strncat (RS[row_num].rsltno, wrk_str, 4);
          row_num = row_num + 2;
          if (numcol != 2)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_RES_INFO returned wrong # of parms",
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
            error_out (rc);
  /* Setup column headings                                      */
          strncpy (RS[row_num].rsltno,
                   "FirstName    EducLvl", text_size);
          row_num = row_num + 1;
          strncpy (RS[row_num].rsltno,
                   "==========   =======", text_size);
          for (parm_cnt = 1; parm_cnt <= numcol; ++parm_cnt)
              bind_columns (parm_cnt);
  }   /* end result_row_processing */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* Subroutine to bind each data                                     */
 /*                                                                  */
  void   bind_columns (parm_cnt)
  CS_INT        parm_cnt;
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        col_len;
   CS_DATAFMT    datafmt;
         rc= ct_describe(cmd, parm_cnt, &datafmt);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_DESCRIBE failed", msg_size);
            no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
  /* We need to bind the data to program variables. We don't    */
  /* care about the indicator variable so we'll pass NULL for   */
  /* that parameter in OC_BIND().                               */
  /* rows per fetch                                             */
         switch (datafmt.datatype)
  /* bind the first column, FIRSTNME defined as VARCHAR(12)     */
             case  CS_VARCHAR_TYPE:
                rc= ct_bind(cmd, parm_cnt, &datafmt, &col_firstnme,
                            &col_len, CS_NULL);
                if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
                   strncpy (msgstr, "CT_BIND CS_VARCHAR_TYPE failed",
                   no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
 /* bind the second column, EDLEVEL defined as SMALLINT        */
             case  CS_SMALLINT_TYPE:
                rc= ct_bind(cmd, parm_cnt, &datafmt, &col_edlevel,
                            &col_len, CS_NULL);
                if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
                   strncpy (msgstr, "CT_BIND CS_SMALLINT_TYPE failed",
                   no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
         } /* end of switch (datatype) */
  }   /* end bind_columns */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to fetch row processing                               */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   fetch_row_processing ()
   CS_INT        rows_read;
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        col_len;
   CS_INT        max_screen_rows = 10;
   CS_SMALLINT   nomore_rows    = 0;
   CS_DATAFMT    datafmt;
   CS_DATAFMT    datafmt2;
   struct {
           char  first[12];
           char  space2[2];
           char  edlevel[4];
          } output_row;
       while (nomore_rows == FALSE)
         strcpy(col_firstnme.str, "            ");
         memset (&output_row, ' ', sizeof(output_row));
         rc = ct_fetch (cmd, (long) CS_UNUSED,
                       (long) CS_UNUSED,
                       (long) CS_UNUSED,
         switch (rc)
             case  CS_SUCCEED:
                 nomore_rows         = FALSE ;
                 datafmt.datatype     = CS_VARCHAR_TYPE;
                 datafmt.maxlength    = sizeof(col_firstnme);
                 datafmt2.datatype    = CS_CHAR_TYPE;
                 datafmt2.maxlength   = 12;
  /* convert the first column from VARCHAR to CHAR for display  */
                 if (cs_convert(context, datafmt, col_firstnme, datafmt2,
                                &output_row.first, &col_len) !=
                    strncpy (msgstr,
                      "CS_CONVERT CS_CHAR_TYPE failed", msg_size);
                    no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
  /* save ROW RESULTS for later display                         */
                 cvtleft  = 4;           /* Digits to the left */
                 cvtright = 0;           /* Digits to the right */
                 SYCVTD(col_edlevel, output_row.edlevel,
                         cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
                 if (row_num > max_screen_rows)
                    strncpy (msgtext1, "Please press return to
                    continue!", text_size);
                    memset (msgtext2, ' ', text_size);
                    disp_data ();
                    /* re-init output lines */
                    for (row_num = 0; row_num < 14; ++row_num)
                        memset (RS[row_num].rsltno, ' ', text_size);
                    row_num = 1;
                    page_cnt = page_cnt + 1 ;
  /* Setup column headings                                      */
                    strncpy (RS[row_num].rsltno, "FirstName    EducLvl",
                    row_num += 1;
                    strncpy (RS[row_num].rsltno, "==========   =======",
                    row_num += 1;
                 }  /* if row_num > 10 */
                 row_num += 1;
                 memcpy (RS[row_num].rsltno, &output_row,
                 break; /* end of CS_SUCCEED */
             case  CS_END_DATA:
                 nomore_rows = TRUE ;
                 strncpy (msgtext1, "All rows processing completed!",
                 strncpy (msgtext2, "Press Clear To Exit", text_size);
                 disp_data ();
                 break; /* end of CS_END_DATA  */
             case  CS_FAIL:
                 nomore_rows = TRUE ;
                 no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
                 strncpy (msgstr, "CT_FETCH returned CS_FAIL ret_code");
                 break; /* end of CS_FAIL  */
             case  CS_ROW_FAIL:
                 nomore_rows = TRUE ;
                 no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
                 strncpy (msgstr, "CT_FETCH returned CS_ROW_FAIL
                 break; /* end of CS_ROW_FAIL  */
             case  CS_CANCELLED:
                 nomore_rows = TRUE ;
                 no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
                 strncpy (msgstr, "CT_FETCH returned CS_CANCELLED
                 break; /* end of CS_CANCELLED  */
                 nomore_rows = TRUE ;
                 no_errors_sw = FALSE ;
                 strncpy (msgstr, "CT_FETCH returned Unknown ret_code");
                 break; /* end of OTHERWISE */
         }  /* end of switch (rc) */
       }   /* end of while nomore_rows false */
  }  /* end fetch_row_processing */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to print output messages.                             */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   error_out (rc)
   CS_INT        rc;
     **  Display Message
     struct {
             char        test_case[9] ;
             char        samp_lit[5] ;
             char        samp_rc[4] ;
             char        rest_lit[15] ;
             char        rest_type[4] ;
             char        filler[2] ;
             char        msg[40];
     } disp_msg;
          memset(&disp_msg, ' ', sizeof(disp_msg));
          strcpy(disp_msg.test_case, "SYCTSAA6");
          strcpy(disp_msg.samp_lit, "rc = ");
          strcpy(disp_msg.rest_lit, "  Result Type: ");
          cvtleft  = 4;           /* Digits to the left */
          cvtright = 0;           /* Digits to the right */
          SYCVTD(rc, disp_msg.samp_rc,
                  cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
          SYCVTD(results_type, disp_msg.rest_type,
                  cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
          if (diag_msgs_initialized)
             get_diag_messages ();
  /* display error messages                                           */
          strncpy (disp_msg.msg, msgstr, msg_size);
          memcpy (msgtext1, &disp_msg, sizeof(disp_msg));
          if (print_once)
              disp_data ();
              print_once = FALSE ;
  }   /* end error_out */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to retrieve any diagnostic messages                   */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   get_diag_messages()
   CS_SMALLINT   cnt;
   CS_INT        num_of_msgs = 0;
   CS_INT        rc;
 /* Disable calls to this subroutine                                 */
          diag_msgs_initialized = FALSE ;
  /* First, get client messages                                       */
         rc = ct_diag (connection, CS_STATUS, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE,
                       CS_UNUSED, #_of_msgs);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_DIAG CS_STATUS CLIENTMSG_TYPE failed",
            error_out(rc) ;
          else if (num_of_msgs > 0)
               for (cnt = 1; cnt <= num_of_msgs; ++cnt)
                   get_client_msgs ();

 /* Then, get server messages                                        */
         rc = ct_diag (connection, CS_STATUS, CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE,
                       CS_UNUSED, #_of_msgs);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_DIAG CS_STATUS SERVERMSG_TYPE failed",
            error_out(rc) ;
          else if (num_of_msgs > 0)
               for (cnt = 1; cnt <= num_of_msgs; ++cnt)
                   get_server_msgs ();
  }   /* end get_diag_messages  */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to retrieve diagnostic messages from client           */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   get_client_msgs()
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        i;
   CS_CHAR      *txtpos;
   CS_INT        textleft;
   CS_INT        msgno = 1;
   CS_CHAR       blank_13[13] = "             ";
   CS_CLIENTMSG  clientmsg;
   struct {
           char    msgno_hdr[13];
           char    msgno_data[8];
           char    severity_hdr[13];
           char    severity_data[6];
          } client_msg;
         rc = ct_diag (connection, CS_GET, CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE,
                       msgno, &clientmsg);
         if (rc !=  CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_DIAG CS_GET CS_CLIENTMSG_TYPE failed",
            error_out(rc) ;
  /* display message text                                             */
         i = 1 ;
         strncpy (RS[i].rsltno, "Client Message:");
         i = 3 ;
         memset(&client_msg, ' ', sizeof(client_msg));
         strcpy (client_msg.msgno_hdr, "  OC MsgNo:  ");
         strcpy (client_msg.severity_hdr, "  Severity:  ");
         cvtleft  = 8;            /* Digits to the left */
         cvtright = 0;            /* Digits to the right */
         SYCVTD(clientmsg.msgnumber, client_msg.msgno_data,
                 cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
         cvtleft  = 6;            /* Digits to the left */
         SYCVTD(clientmsg.severity, client_msg.severity_data,
                 cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
         memcpy (RS[i].rsltno, &client_msg, sizeof(client_msg));
         i += 1 ;
         /* get number of Client msgs */
         if (clientmsg.msgnumber != 0)
            strcpy (RS[i].rsltno, "  OC MsgTx:  ");
            strncat (RS[i].rsltno, clientmsg.msgstring, 66);
            i += 1 ;
            txtpos = clientmsg.msgstring + 66;
            textleft = clientmsg.msgstringlen - 66;
            while (textleft > 0)
               strncpy (RS[i].rsltno, blank_13, 13);
               strncat (RS[i].rsltno, txtpos, 66);
               i += 1;
               txtpos += 66;
               textleft -= 66;
            strncpy (RS[i].rsltno, "  OC MsgTx:  No Message!",
            i += 1 ;
         /* get number of Server msgs */
         memset(&client_msg, ' ', sizeof(client_msg));
         strcpy (client_msg.msgno_hdr, "  OS MsgNo:  ");
         cvtleft  = 8;            /* Digits to the left */
         cvtright = 0;            /* Digits to the right */
         SYCVTD(clientmsg.osnumber, client_msg.msgno_data,
                 cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
         memcpy (RS[i].rsltno, &client_msg, sizeof(client_msg));
         i += 1 ;
         if (clientmsg.osnumber != 0)
            strcpy (RS[i].rsltno, "  OS MsgTx:  ");
            strncat (RS[i].rsltno, clientmsg.osstring, 66);
            i += 1 ;
            txtpos = clientmsg.osstring + 66;
            textleft = clientmsg.osstringlen - 66;
            while (textleft > 0)
               strncpy (RS[i].rsltno, blank_13, 13);
               strncat (RS[i].rsltno, txtpos, 66);
               i += 1;
               txtpos += 66;
               textleft -= 66;
            strncpy (RS[i].rsltno, "  OS MsgTx:  No Message!",
            i += 1 ;
    }   /* end get_client_msgs */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to retrieve diagnostic messages from server           */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   get_server_msgs()
   CS_INT        rc;
   CS_INT        i;
   CS_CHAR      *txtpos;
   CS_INT        textleft;
   CS_INT        msgno = 1;
   CS_CHAR       blank_13[13] = "             ";
   CS_CHAR       proc_id_data[66];
   CS_CHAR       svrname_data[66];
   CS_SERVERMSG  servermsg;
   struct {
           char    msg_no_hdr[13];
           char    msg_no_data[6];
           char    severity_hdr[14];
           char    severity_data[6];
           char    state_hdr[14];
           char    state_data[4];
           char    line_no_hdr[13];
           char    line_no_data[4];
          } serv_msg;
         memset(&serv_msg, ' ', sizeof(serv_msg));
         rc = ct_diag (connection, CS_GET, CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE,
                       msgno, &servermsg);
         if (rc != CS_SUCCEED)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_DIAG CS_GET CS_SERVERMSG_TYPE failed",
            error_out (rc) ;
  /* display message text                                             */
         strcpy (serv_msg.msg_no_hdr, "  Message#:  ");
         strcpy (serv_msg.severity_hdr, ",  Severity:  ");
         strcpy (serv_msg.state_hdr, ",  State No:  ");
         strcpy (serv_msg.line_no_hdr, "  Line  No:  ");
         cvtleft  = 6;              /* Digits to the left */
         cvtright = 0;              /* Digits to the right */
         SYCVTD(servermsg.msgnumber, serv_msg.msg_no_data,
                 cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
         SYCVTD(servermsg.severity, serv_msg.severity_data,
                 cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
         cvtleft  = 4;              /* Digits to the left */
         SYCVTD(servermsg.state, serv_msg.state_data,
                 cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
         SYCVTD(servermsg.line, serv_msg.line_no_data,
                 cvtleft, cvtright, cvtwork, cvtdbl, CS_TRUE);
         if (servermsg.svrnlen > 66)
              strncpy (svrname_data, servermsg.svrname, 63);
              strcat (svrname_data, "...");
              strncpy (svrname_data, servermsg.svrname, 66);
         if (servermsg.proclen > 66)
              strncpy (proc_id_data, servermsg.proc, 63);
              strcat (proc_id_data, "...");
              strncpy (proc_id_data, servermsg.proc, 66);
         strncpy (RS[1].rsltno, "Server Message:", text_size);
         memcpy (RS[3].rsltno, &serv_msg, sizeof(serv_msg));
         strcpy (RS[5].rsltno, "  Serv Nam:  ");
         strcat (RS[5].rsltno, svrname_data);
         strcpy (RS[6].rsltno, "  Proc ID :  ");
         strcat (RS[6].rsltno, proc_id_data);
         strcpy (RS[7].rsltno, "  Message :  ");
         strncat (RS[7].rsltno, servermsg.text, 66);
         i = 8 ;
         txtpos = servermsg.text + 66;
         textleft = servermsg.textlen - 66;
         while (textleft > 0)
               strncpy (RS[i].rsltno, blank_13, 13);
               strncat (RS[i].rsltno, txtpos, 66);
               i += 1;
               txtpos += 66;
               textleft -= 66;
  }   /* end get_server_msgs */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to perform drop command handler, close server         */
  /* connection, and deallocate Connection Handler.                   */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   close_connection ()
   CS_INT        rc;
  /* drop the command handle                                          */
         rc = ct_cmd_drop (cmd);
         if (rc == CS_FAIL)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CMD_DROP failed", msg_size);
            error_out (rc) ;
  /* close the server connection                                      */
         rc = ct_close (connection, (long) CS_UNUSED);
         if (rc == CS_FAIL)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CLOSE failed", msg_size);
            error_out (rc) ;
  /* De_allocate the connection handle                                */
         rc = ct_con_drop (connection);
         if (rc == CS_FAIL)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CON_DROP failed", msg_size);
            error_out (rc) ;
  }   /* end close_connection */
 /*                                                                  */
 /* Subroutine to perform exit client library and deallocate context */
 /* structure.                                                       */
 /*                                                                  */
  void   quit_client_library ()
   CS_INT        rc;
  /* Exit the Client Library                                          */
         rc = ct_exit (context, (long) CS_UNUSED);
         if (rc == CS_FAIL)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_EXIT failed", msg_size);
            error_out(rc) ;
  /* De-allocate the context structure                                */
         rc = cs_ctx_drop (context);
         if (rc == CS_FAIL)
            strncpy (msgstr, "CT_CTX_DROP failed", msg_size);
            error_out(rc) ;
  }   /* end quit_client_library */
  /*                                                                  */
  /* Subroutine to display output                                     */
  /*                                                                  */
  void   disp_data()
     CS_CHAR        QF_ANSWER;
          strncpy (OUT.stimeo, TMP_TIME, 8);
          strncpy (OUT.sdateo, TMP_DATE, 8);
          strncpy (OUT.prognmo, "SYCTSAA6", 8);
         switch (page_cnt)
            case 1:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0001");  break;
            case 2:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0002");  break;
            case 3:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0003");  break;
            case 4:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0004");  break;
            case 5:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0005");  break;
            case 6:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0006");  break;
            case 7:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0007");  break;
            case 8:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0008");  break;
            case 9:
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "0009");  break;
                   strcpy (OUT.spageo, "9999");
          OUT.servera = DFHBMPRO;
          strncpy (OUT.servero, servname, server_size);
          OUT.usera   = DFHBMPRO;
          strncpy (OUT.usero, username, user_size);
          OUT.pswda   = DFHBMDAR;
          strncpy (OUT.pswdo, pwd, pwd_size);
          OUT.trana   = DFHBMPRO;
          strncpy (OUT.trano, tran, tran_size);
          OUT.netdrva = DFHBMPRO;
          strncpy (OUT.netdrvo, driver, 9);
          memcpy (OUT.msg1o, msgtext1, text_size);
          strncpy (OUT.msg2o, msgtext2, text_size);
  /* DISPLAY THE DATA                                                 */
                         FREEKB ;
                            RESP(CICS_RESPONSE) ;
  }   /* end disp_data */

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Appendix B: Sample RPC Application

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