prepare transaction  rollback transaction

Appendix C: Using Sybase Mode Commands



Revokes authorizations from users.


revoke [grant option for]{all [privileges]| permission_list}
on {table_name | view_name} | stored_procedure_name}
from {public | name_list} [cascade] revoke {all [privileges] | command_list}
from {public | name_list}



(in the first syntax format) specifies that all privileges applicable to the specified object are revoked when used to revoke authorizations to access database objects. The second syntax format can revoke create command authorizations:


is a list of authorizations to be revoked.


is a list of commands for which authorizations are to be revoked.


is the name of the specified table in the database.


is the name of a view in the current database. Only one view can be listed for each revoke statement.


is the name of a stored procedure in the database. Only one object can be listed for each revoke statement.


is all users of the “public” group, which includes all users of the system.


is a list of users’ database names and group names, separated by commas.

grant option for

prohibits the users specified in name_list from granting the privileges specified by permission_list to other users.


revokes grant authorization for the privileges specified in permission_list from the users specified in name_list, and from all users to whom they granted privileges.

The cascading effect can happen even if it is not specified by the user. For example, UserA has granted UserB some privileges, and in turn, UserB granted some to UserC. If UserA is revoked, all privileges that UserA granted to UserB and UserB indirectly granted to UserC are revoked.

NoteConsult the IBM DB2 SQL Reference manual to see how IBM implements DB2 authorization schemes.


Example 1

revoke insert, delete
 on titles
 from mary, sales

Example 2

revoke all on titles
 from public


Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. rollback transaction

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