DirectConnect service libraries  DirectConnect Manager

Chapter 1: Introducing DirectConnect for z/OS

DIrectConnect access services

An access service is the client connection point for a DirectConnect server. It is the pairing of a service library with a set of specific values for the configuration properties.

DB2 access services

A DB2 access service works with MainframeConnect™ DB2 UDB Option to allow clients to access DB2 data in a DB2 UDB database.

Each DB2 access service is a specific set of configuration properties that perform the following:

Transaction Router Service (TRS)

Each TRS library contains a TRS that provides access to DB2 data and supports Open ServerConnect™ mainframe applications, defined to TRS as remote procedure calls (RPCs).

TRS routes requests from remote LAN-based clients to Open ServerConnect transactions. Optionally, it can also route requests to MainframeConnect DB2 UDB Option and return results to the client.

Having multiple instances of a TRS library on a server results in different physical copies of the dynamic link library or shared library files that constitute the TRS component.

Security can also be configured on a transaction or user basis.

There are two TRS libraries:

Having multiple instances of a TRS library on a server results in different physical copies of the shared library files that constitute the TRS component.

For an explanation of the TRS components of DirectConnect, see the DirectConnect Transaction Router Service User’s Guide.

Administrative service library

The Administrative service library provides specific administrative services for all DirectConnect libraries, including logging, tracing, and allowing remote configuration of DirectConnect access services (for example, through DirectConnect Manager).

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. DirectConnect Manager

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