For DirectConnect for Microsoft SQL Server  Creating a new DirectConnect server

Chapter 5: Installing DirectConnect

For DirectConnect for ODBC

In the UNIX environment, the ODBC driver allows you to establish a centralized ODBC system information file that you can control. To do so, set the environment variable ODBCINI by executing the DirectConnect environment script to point to the qualified path name of the centralized file, provided by DirectConnect install. For example:

For C shell:


For Bourne or Korn shell:

Executing the script sets ODBCINI to $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ECON/odbcini.

Remember, there must be an [ODBC] section in the system information file that includes the InstallDir keyword. Verify that the keyword value is the path to the directory $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ECON.

To define data source entries

To define data source entries, edit the odbc.ini file using the attributes in each of the categories, or sections, of the file. Each of these sections is delimited by comments.

As you edit the odbc.ini file, be sure you have the necessary parameters available. For all others, you can accept the default or provide a value appropriate for your site.

For more detailed definitions of data source parameters in the odbc.ini file, see the documentation for your site’s ODBC driver.

Example of an odbc.ini file

For DirectConnect for ODBC, you must edit the section of the file that applies to your site. The following example contains the required sections. Add DSN definitions based on driver documentation:

[ODBC Data Sources]
ODBC Data Source definitions

To help you diagnose ODBC connectivity problems, the Sybase odbct tool verifies that your system configuration and odbc.ini are configured correctly by attempting to make a simple connection to the target. See the configuration problems section in Chapter 10, “Troubleshooting,” for more information.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Creating a new DirectConnect server

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