Chapter 5: Enhancing DataWindow Objects

About this chapter

Before you put a DataWindow object into production, you can enhance it to make it easier to use and interpret data. You do that in the DataWindow painter. This chapter describes basic enhancements you can make to a DataWindow object.

Related topics

Other ways to enhance DataWindow objects are covered in later chapters:


Explains how to

Chapter 7, “Working with Controls in DataWindow Objects”

Add controls to a DataWindow object and reorganize, position, and rotate them

Chapter 6, “Controlling Updates in DataWindow Objects”

Control update capabilities

Chapter 8, “Displaying and Validating Data”

Specify display formats, edit styles, and validation rules for column data

Chapter 9, “Filtering, Sorting, and Grouping Rows”

Limit which rows are displayed, the order in which they are displayed, and whether they are divided into groups

Chapter 10, “Highlighting Information in DataWindow Objects”

Highlight data by using conditional expressions to modify the properties of controls in DataWindow objects

Chapter 11, “Using Nested Reports”

Place reports inside DataWindow objects

Chapter 15, “Working with Graphs”

Use graphs to visually present information retrieved in a DataWindow object

Chapter 12, “Working with Crosstabs”

Use crosstabs to present analyses of data retrieved in a DataWindow object

Chapter 13, “Working with TreeViews”

Use TreeViews to group data and display it hierarchically in a way that allows you to expand and collapse it