SQL Terminator Character


Specifies the SQL statement terminator character used by the Database painter’s Interactive SQL (ISQL) view.

The default terminator character for the ISQL view is a semicolon (;). If a semicolon conflicts with the terminator character used by your DBMS syntax, you can change the painter’s terminator character by specifying a different character in the SQL Terminator Character box in the Database Preferences property sheet. A good choice for a terminator character is the backquote (`) character.

Changing the terminator character is recommended when you are using the ISQL view to create or execute stored procedures, triggers, and SQL scripts.

Applies to


In an application

You cannot set the SQL Terminator Character database preference in code.

In the development environment

In the Database Preferences property sheet in the Database painter, type the terminator character you want to use in the SQL Terminator Character box. For instructions, see “Setting Additional Connection Parameters” in Connecting to Your Database.


The default SQL Terminator Character value in the Database Preferences property sheet is a semicolon (;).


The following are typical situations that might require you to change the default SQL Terminator Character value:


Example 1

To change the SQL statement terminator character in the ISQL view to a backquote (`), type a backquote in the SQL Terminator Character box in the Database Preferences property sheet.