

access management

A DirectConnect feature that provides connectivity to non-Sybase targets.

access service

The named set of properties used with a DirectConnect access service library, to which clients connect. Each DirectConnect server can have multiple access services.

access service library

A component of DirectConnect. A service library that provides access to non-Sybase data contained in a database management system or other type of repository. Each such repository is called a “target.” Each access service library interacts with exactly one target and is named accordingly. See also service library.


See access service library.

Adaptive Server Enterprise

The server in the Sybase Client-Server architecture. It manages multiple databases and multiple users, tracks the actual location of data on disks, maintains mapping of logical data description to physical data storage, and maintains data and procedure caches in memory.

administrative service library

A service library that provides remote management capabilities and server-side support. It supports a number of remote procedures (invoked as RPC requests) that enable remote DirectConnect management. See also remote procedure call, service library.


See administrative service library.

bulk copy transfer

A transfer method in which multiple rows of data are inserted into a table in the target database. See also transfer. Compare with destination-template transfer.

catalog stored procedure

A stored procedure that provides information about tables, columns, and authorizations. It is used in SQL generation and application development.

character set

A set of specific (usually standardized) characters with an encoding scheme that uniquely defines each character. ASCII is a common character set.


A Sybase library of routines that allows a client application to interact with Open Server.


An architecture in which the client is an application that handles the user interface and local data manipulation functions, while the server provides data processing access and management for multiple clients. See also client, server, client application.

code page

An assignment of graphic characters and control function meanings to all code points.

code set

See character set.

configuration file

A file that specifies the characteristics of a system or subsystem.

configuration set

A section into which service library configuration files are divided.


A network between two systems. For SNA, the path connects a logical unit on one machine to a logical unit on another machine. For TCP/IP, the path connects TCP modules on separate machines.

connection code page

The code page to which DirectConnect converts data when the specified code page is not supported by the database. If the DirectConnect configuration contains a default code page for applications, that code page is used. Otherwise, the system code pages from the initialization file are used. See also code page.


See catalog stored procedure.


See Client-Library.

database management system

A computer-based system for defining, creating, manipulating, controlling, managing, and using databases.


A keyword that identifies the characteristics of stored information on a computer.


A Sybase and Microsoft API that allows client applications to interact with Open Data Services applications.


See database management system.

destination-template transfer

A transfer method in which source data is briefly put into a template where the user can specify that some action be performed on it before execution against a target database. See also transfer. Compare with bulk copy transfer.


A Sybase Open Server-based application that provides access management for non-Sybase databases, copy management, and remote systems management. Each DirectConnect consists of a server and one or more service libraries to provide access to a specific data source. DirectConnect replaces the MDI Database Gateway™ and OmniSQL Access Module™.

DirectConnect Director (DCDirector)

A DirectConnect server that performs the sole function of creating, starting, and stopping other servers on the same machine.

DirectConnect Manager

A Sybase application for Microsoft Windows that provides remote management capabilities for DirectConnect products. These capabilities include starting, stopping, creating, and copying services.

DirectConnect for z/OS

A Sybase LAN-based solution that communicates with mainframe host components. It incorporates the functionality of the MDI Database Gateway and the Sybase Net-Library and includes LU 6.2 and TCP/IP support.

DirectConnect server

The component that provides general management and support functions (such as log file management) to service libraries.

DirectConnect service

A named set of properties, used with a DirectConnect service library, to which clients connect.

DirectConnect Access Service Library

The component that provides a set of functions within the DirectConnect server environment.


See dynamic link library.

dynamic link library

A file containing executable code and data bound to a program at load time or run time, rather than during linking. The code and data in a dynamic link library can be shared by several applications simultaneously.

environment variable

A variable that describes how an operating system runs and the devices it recognizes.

event log

In Windows, the central point for all system and application error and information messages.

Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code

A coded character set of 256 eight-bit characters.


The combination of internationalization and localization. See also internationalization, localization.

graphical user interface

A type of computer interface consisting of a visual metaphor of a real-world scene, often of a desktop. Within that scene are icons, representing actual objects, that the user can access and manipulate with a pointing device.


See graphical user interface.

initial program load

For some operating systems, the initialization procedure that causes the system to commence operation.

interfaces file

A UNIX operating system file that must be available on each machine from which connections to DirectConnect or other Sybase products are made. Each entry in the file determines how the host client software connects to the Sybase product. See also libtcl file. Compare with sql.ini file.

International Organization for Standardization

An organization of national standards bodies from various countries established to facilitate international exchange of goods and services and develop cooperation in intellectual, scientific, technological, and economic activity.


The process of extracting locale-specific components from the source code and moving them into one or more separate modules, making the code culturally neutral so it can be localized for a specific culture. See also globalization. Compare with localization.


See initial program load.


See International Organization for Standardization.

iso_1 charset

A base translation table that corresponds to the ASCII 0819 or the EBCDIC 0500 character sets.


A named disk area that can contain programs and related information. A library consists of different sections, called library members.

libtcl file

A file containing a list of installed Net-Library drivers. Client applications use information in this file and the interfaces file (UNIX systems) or the sql.ini file (Windows systems) to connect to Adaptive Server or Open Server applications. See also interfaces file, sql.ini file.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a protocol for accessing online directory services.


The process of preparing an extracted module for a target environment, in which messages are displayed and logged in the user’s language, numbers, money, dates, and time are represented using the user’s cultural convention; documents are displayed in the user’s language. See also globalization. Compare with internationalization.

MainframeConnect for DB2 UDB

A Sybase mainframe solution that provides dynamic access to DB2 UDB data. It replaces the OmniSQL Access Module for DB2 UDB and the functionality of the MDI Access Server™.


A Sybase product that lets PC applications become clients of Adaptive Server or Open Server. See also client, Open Server, SQL Server.


See Open Data Services.


See Online Transaction Processing.


An add-on product for Sybase Adaptive Server that provides a Transact-SQL® interface to external data sources, including host data files and tables in other database systems. OmniConnect replaces “OmniSQL Gateway” and “OmniSQL Server.”

Online Transaction Processing

A system that supports database maintenance through an interactive user interface. The user usually requires a response time of less than three seconds.

Open Client

A Sybase product that provides customer applications, third-party products, and other Sybase products with the interfaces required to communicate with Open Client and Open Server applications.

Open ClientConnect

A Sybase product that allows mainframe clients to send requests to SQL Server, Open Server, MainframeConnect for DB2 UDB, and Open ClientConnect using Client-Library. Open ClientConnect provides capability for the mainframe to act as a client to LAN-based resources.

Open Data Services

A product that provides a framework for creating server applications that respond to DB-Library clients. See also DB-Library.

Open Database Connectivity

A Microsoft API that allows access to both relational and nonrelational databases.

Open Server

A Sybase product that provides the tools and interfaces required to create a custom server.

Open ServerConnect™

A Sybase product that provides capability for programmatic access to mainframe data.


A variable that is given a constant value for a specified application and that can denote the application. Compare with property.

Partner Certification Reports

Sybase publications that certify third-party query and development tools to work with Sybase products.


A setting for a server or service that defines characteristics, such as how events are logged or how datatypes are converted. Compare with parameter.


A set of rules that governs the behavior of computers communicating on a network.


The part of the Windows operating system that holds configuration information for a particular machine.

remote procedure call

A stored procedure executed on a different DirectConnect server from the one onto which a user is logged or on which the initiating application resides.

remote stored procedure

A customer-written CICS program that resides on the mainframe and communicates with MainframeConnect for DB2 UDB. Compare with client services application.

remote systems management

A feature that allows a System Administrator to manage multiple DirectConnect servers and multiple services from a client.


See remote procedure call.


See remote stored procedure.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

Provides customers with a secure mode of transport. It includes encryption and authenticating clients and servers using digital certification.


A functional unit that provides shared services to clients over a network. See also client/server. Compare with client.


A functionality available to DirectConnect applications. It is the pairing of a service library and a set of specific configuration properties.

service library

A set of configuration properties that determine service functionality. Examples of service libraries include access service libraries, administrative service libraries, and transaction router service libraries. See also access service library, administrative service library, and Transaction Router Service library.

service name redirection

A type of service name resolution that allows a system administrator to map alternative connections to services. See also service name resolution. Compare with direct resolution.

service name redirection file

The default name of the file used for the service name redirection feature. See also service name redirection.

service name resolution

The DirectConnect server mapping of an incoming service name to an actual service. See also direct resolution, service name redirection.


See Systems Network Architecture.


See service name redirection file.


A utility for creating and editing sql.ini files and file entries. See also sql.ini.

sql.ini file

The Windows file containing definitions for each DirectConnect server to which a workstation can connect. The file must be on every client machine that connects to Adaptive Servers. See also libtcl file. Compare with interfaces file.


See Secure Sockets Layer.

System Administrator

The user in charge of server system administration. For DirectConnect, the user responsible for installing and maintaining DirectConnect servers and service libraries.

Systems Network Architecture

An IBM proprietary plan for transmitting information units through networks and controlling network configuration and operation.


See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.

Transaction Router Service

The DirectConnect program that accepts requests from workstation-based clients and routes them to Open ServerConnect.

Transaction Router Service library

A service library that facilitates access to remote transactions, allowing customers to execute thousands of transactions from virtually any mainframe data source. See also service library.


A DirectConnect feature that allows users to move data or copies of data from one database to another. See also bulk copy transfer, destination-template transfer.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

A set of communication protocols that supports peer-to-peer connectivity functions for both local and wide area networks.


See Transaction Router Service.

TRS Library

See Transaction Router Service library.


An operating system developed by Bell Laboratories that allows for multiple concurrent programs and users.

utility program

A computer program that supports computer processes, such as diagnostic programs, trace programs, and sort programs.

wild card

A special character that represents a range of characters in a search pattern.

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