Appendix D: Using Sybase Mode Commands  begin transaction (Transact-SQL only)

Appendix D: Using Sybase Mode Commands

alter table (core)


This command provides the following functions:


Transact-SQL Syntax

alter table [database.[owner].]table_name
{add column_name datatype
[default {constant_expression | user | null}]
 {[{identity | null}]
 | [[constraint constraint_name]
 {{unique | primary key}
 [clustered | nonclustered]
 [with {fillfactor | max_rows_per_page} = x]
 [on segment_name]
 [references [[database.]owner.]ref_table
 | check (search_condition)}]}...
 {[, next_column]}...
| add {[constraint constraint_name]
 {unique | primary key}
 [clustered | nonclustered]
 (column_name [{, column_name}...])
 [with {fillfactor | max_rows_per_page} = x]
 [on segment_name]
 | foreign key (column_name [{, column_name}...])
 references [[database.]owner.]ref_table
[(ref_column [{, ref_column}...])]
 | check (search_condition)}
| drop constraint constraint_name
| replace column_name
default {constant_expression | user | null}
| partition number_of_partitions
| unpartition}

ODBC Syntax

ALTER TABLE base_table_name
{ADD column_identifier datatype
|ADD(column_identifier datatype[,column_identifier datatype]...)



specifies that you should assign a NULL value when a value is not provided during an insertion.


is the name of the table to be changed.


is the name of a column to be added.


is any of the system datatypes except Bit. If the transformation mode is passthrough, the datatype is expressed as an ODBC datatype.


indicates that you can include additional column definitions separated by commas, using the same syntax described for a column definition.


Example 1

alter table publishers
add manager_name varchar(40) null

This adds the manager_name column to the publishers table. For each existing table row, a NULL value is assigned to the new column.


Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. begin transaction (Transact-SQL only)

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