Controlling processing with the TransferErrorCount property  Transfer process

Chapter 9: Using Bulk Copy Transfer and Express Transfer


Bulk copy and express transfer initiate a direct transfer of data between two databases from the client application. You use a bulk copy or express transfer statement to copy large amounts of data between similar tables. The following table describes the conditions that determine which type of transfer you select.

Table 9-1: When to use bulk copy and express transfer

Use bulk copy transfer:

Use express transfer:

When the source or destination database is ASE and does not use an ASE ODBC driver.

When you use ODBC drivers for both the source and destination database.

To exercise more control over transfer.

To execute the transfer quickly.

When you require diverse datatype conversions.

When you do not require any datatype conversions.

Limitations for bulk copy and express transfer

For bulk copy and express transfer, the following limitations apply:

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