DirectConnect Manager  DirectConnect data access products

Chapter 1: Introducing DirectConnect

DirectConnect environment

DirectConnect consists of a server and one or more service libraries. The server provides the framework in which the service libraries operate. Each access service library accesses data from a particular target database, such as DB2 UDB, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, and any ODBC-accessible database. It consists of one or more access services that have specific sets of configuration properties, as shown in Figure 1-1.

When a client connects, the access service logs in to the target database, using the client user ID and password, plus the ODBC-configured data source name (DSN).

The following figure shows the relationship of the access service library with components of the client workstation, LAN, ODBC driver, and target database.

Figure 1-1: DirectConnect environment

As shown, the request from a client application goes over the LAN to the DirectConnect server. The DirectConnect access service routes the request through the ODBC driver to the target and accesses data from the target database.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. DirectConnect data access products

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