sysencryptkeys  Replicating encrypted data

New Features Adaptive Server® Enterprise 12.5.3a

ddlgen utility changes

ddlgen supports generation of DDL statements for encrypted keys. To specify a key, use:


The new type EK, for encryption key, is for generating the DDL to create an encryption key and to grant permissions on it. ddlgen generates encrypted column information and a grant decrypt statement, with the DDL of a table.

This example generates DDL for all encrypted keys in a database “accounts” on a machine named “HARBOR” using port 1955:

ddlgen -Uroy -Proy123 -SHARBOR:1955 -TEK

Alternatively, you can specify the database name with the -D option:

	ddlgen -Uroy -Proy134 -SHARBOR:1955 -TEK -Ndbo.%
-- DDL for EncryptedKey 'ssn_key'
      print 'ssn_key'

create encryption key accounts.dbo.ssn_key 
      for AES
      with keylength 128
      init vector random

-- DDL for EncryptedKey 'ek1'
print 'ek1'

create encryption key accounts.dbo.ek1 as default
     for AES
     with keylength 192
     init vector NULL

use accounts

grant select on accounts.dbo.ek1 to acctmgr_role

ddlgen also has an extended option to generate the create encryption key that specifies the key’s encrypted value as represented in sysencryptkeys. The option is -XOD and can be used if you must synchronize encryption keys across servers for data movement. For example, to make cc_key on server “PACIFIC” available on server “ATLANTIC”, execute ddlgen using -XOD on “PACIFIC” as follows:

ddlgen -Sfred -Pget2work -SPACIFIC:8532 -TEK -Nsales.dbo.cc_key -XOD

ddlgen output is:

-- DDL for EncryptedKey 'cc_key'
print 'cc_key'

create encryption key sales.dbo.cc_key 
      for AES
with keylength 128
passwd 0x0000E1D8235FEBEB118901
init_vector NULL
keyvalue 0xF772B99CE547D2932A12E0A83F2114848BD93F38016C068D720DDEBAC4DF8AA001
keystatus 32

Next change the key generated by create encryption key to specify the target database on “ATLANTIC”, and run the command on the target server. cc_key is now available on server “ATLANTIC” to decrypt data that is moved from “PACIFIC” to “ATLANTIC”.

See Adaptive Server Enterprise Utility Guide for more information about ddlgen syntax options, and see Replication Server Administration Guide for examples of using ddlgen with replicated databases.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Replicating encrypted data

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