Configuring Adaptive Server  System stored procedure changes

Chapter 11: Large Memory Support for 32-Bit Linux

Changing the size of the secondary data cache

You can change the size of the secondary data cache.

Increasing the size of the secondary cache

To increase the size of the secondary data cache to the declared size of the shmfs, use sp_configure. This is a dynamic change and does not require restarting Adaptive Server. For example, to increase cache size to 8GB, enter:

sp_configure “extended cache size”, 4194304

To increase the size of the secondary cache beyond the shmfs size configured by the operating system:

  1. Disable the secondary cache. Enter:

    sp_configure “extended data cache”, 0
  2. Unmount the /dev/shm.

  3. Mount the shmfs with the desired size.

    See “Configuring the operating system” for instructions.

  4. Enable the secondary data cache with the desired size.

    See “Configuring Adaptive Server” for instructions.

Decreasing the size of the secondary cache

You can decrease the size of the secondary cache in two ways: statically, which requires a reboot of Adaptive Server, and dynamically, which does not.

To statically decrease the size of the secondary data cache:

  1. Use sp_configure to reset the size of the secondary data cache to the desired size. For example, to increase cache size to 2GB, enter:

    sp_configure “extended cache size”, 1048576
  2. Reboot Adaptive Server.

To dynamically decrease the size of the secondary data cache:

  1. Disable the current secondary cache. Enter:

    sp_configure “extended data cache”, 0
  2. Re-create the secondary cache in the desired size. For example:

    sp_configure “extended cache size”, 1048576

Copyright © 2004. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. System stored procedure changes

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