Chapter 8: Making compressed database dumps  Chapter 9: Making password-protected database dumps

Chapter 8: Making compressed database dumps

Compressing database dumps

The compression parameter of the dump command allows you to reduce your space requirements for your archived databases. Earlier versions of dump database using the compression API allowed you only to compress your database dumps to a local file. With Adaptive Server 12.5.2, the compression parameter enables you to compress your dumps to a remote machine.

You need not include the compression level when you load the database dump. However, you can issue load with listonly=full to determine the compression level at which the dump was made.

The partial syntax for dump database is:

dump database database_name to file_name [ with compression = compress_level]]


For example, the following dumps the pubs2 database to the remote machine called “remotemachine” and uses a compression level of 4:

dump database pubs2 to “/Syb_backup/mydb.db” at remotemachine 
with compression = “4”

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